Пещера Света
Пещера Света является обителью Великого Божественного Направителя, расположенной в Индии, в сердце Гималаев. Второй его духовный дом света находится во Дворце Ракоци, в Карпатах (Трансильвания). Чананда – иерарх Пещеры Света, которая размещается внутри горы, расположенной за его собственной обителью — Дворцом Света.
Предназначение Пещеры Света
Великий Божественный Направитель — великий посвятитель на стезе вознесения, и одна из задач Пещеры Света — подготовка кандидатов на вознесение и ускорение их на пути. Здесь Великий Божественный Направитель использует свои полномочия для очищения четырех нижних тела продвинутых посвященных от определенной доли оставшейся у них кармы, чтобы очищенные проводники позволили им оказывать космическое служение в мире формы до вознесения.
Иногда невознесенные жизнепотоки берутся в их тонких телах в обители Братства для того, чтобы дать им подготовку для особого служения в мире формы, требующего сверхчеловеческой силы и овладения определенными навыками, которые можно передать невознесенному ученику только в Священнообителях. Так Иисуса брали в обитель Луксора и в Храм Голубого Лотоса перед его финальным трехлетним служением.
Некоторые, кому было поручено выполнить определенную работу во имя Братства, но кто еще не трансмутировал оставшуюся карму, получали помощь в Пещере Света, подобную той, что была оказана Годфри, Рексу и Наде Рэйборн, Бобу и Перл Синглтон, благодаря чему их четыре нижних тела очистились и пришли в состояние сонастроя, став безупречными приёмниками Христо-сознания. Когда достойным чела предоставляется такая диспенсация, они в состоянии блестяще исполнить оставшуюся часть своего служения жизни, ибо их сознание становится совершенной фокальной точкой в мире формы для высвобождения единого Духа Великого Белого Братства. Те, кто получает такую возможность быть «усовершенствованными» еще до прохождения своего финального посвящения и вознесения в свет, являют чудеса, демонстрируют алхимию и управляют силами природы и элементальной жизнью.
В книге «Магическое Присутствие» Годфри Рэй Кинг рассказывает, как Чананда проводил его вместе с Рексом, Надой, Бобом и Перл в Пещеру Света. Он описывает обитель как пещеру «необыкновенной красоты», покрытую сверкающей кристаллической субстанцией, подобной той, что вы найдете в Пещере Символов в Америке. Пройдя вглубь пещеры, они оказались перед дверьми из чистого золота. Внутри пещера была похожа на огромную печь, накаленную добела. Через два дня и две ночи они вышли из этого Вечного Пламени, облаченные в «новые неувядаемые тела».[1]
The Great Divine Director has spoken of some of the magnificent focuses of light within his retreat:
Do you know also that even in the Cave of Light in India there are replicas of light-magnificence concerning liberty and freedom? Do you know that the replicas and symbols of divine light for and on behalf of America were created by the ascended masters, and they are talismans of great power. Out of these talismans, beamed by the angelic beings and focused by a greater power than in the ancient Atlantean crystals, manifests the intention of Almighty God for this nation![2]
The secret chamber
Mother Mary has spoken of the Cave of Light as symbolizing the secret chamber of the heart. The Blessed Mother explains that “only in the secret chamber is there safety when outer turmoil prevails in the seven bodies of earth, in the seven layers, even above the surface of the earth. Therefore, you see, my secret chamber is also as a secret chamber in a great pyramid, a secret chamber in the mountain of God.
In all eras, initiates processioning into the interior place prepared have signified that the hour is come when for the individual and even for a civilization there is the great inbreath—not that which draws in all of a cosmos, but that drawing in, beloved, of the seven rays of attainment that these might be condensed into the crystal that is formed in this interior castle.
There comes the hour when the expansive manifestations of attainment, of God-mastery, even the accumulation of abundance must now be condensed. And that which is the heart and the essence of the harvest then becomes the nucleus of crystal, harder than rock or diamond. This substance, beloved, begins to form the cave of light.
Now you understand the use of the term “Cave of Light” by the Great Divine Director. Blessed ones, his Cave of Light is a consecration to the eighth-ray chakra and the secret chamber of the heart. Not only is it a place of safety, a haven of initiation, not only is it the place where the soul puts on, enters into [the Christ consciousness], but as Christ assimilates her, so the soul and the Christ become one. Thus, in the next round, when going forth from the secret chamber as from the tomb itself, beloved, the soul steps forth fully the manifestation of Christ, the Body and Blood of Christ, the Sacred Heart of Christ.
Thus may you understand a mother’s teaching in this hour of the commencement of initiation of the five secret rays—five levels, then, of the secret chamber of the heart, as though five spherical, interlocking chambers. May you enter. May you understand. May you know.
Going to the Heart of the Inner Retreat is another symbolical and actual entering in. Blessed ones, I bring this initiation to your attention, for the hour is coming when you will know the meaning of the word “safety in the ark of the LORD.” The secret chamber of my heart is the place of safety.[3]
Attending the retreat
Many ascended masters frequent the Cave of Light. Saint Germain spends a great deal of time there. Chananda tells us that he will be there to welcome us also, in the name of the Great Divine Director. Leto also calls us to this retreat, describing it as “a home of light that you will scarcely desire to leave. The Cave of Light is a forcefield incomparable; an invitation to be there is worth gold itself.... Forget not to call to me in the hour of your journey to the Cave of Light, and I will come with angels shining with a purple light to arc your soul to the special room and the special chair.[4]
The Great Divine Director himself invites us to his retreat, but asks us to first prepare ourselves by devotion to the will of God. He says:
I bid you to come to the Cave of Light when you are ready. And I say, do not come until you are ready, for the doors will not open and the welcome mat will not be out unless you have fully prepared to surrender your all, your life, your service, your will to the will of God. And then we may require that you serve a time in another retreat before you are accepted into that Cave of Light.
Thus realize that the disciplines of our branch of the hierarchy involve the tethering of the soul to divine direction. If you cannot hear that direction, you will not be ready for our retreat. Thus, you see, you must he tutored in developing the sensitivities of the soul consciousness so that you can be certain when the LORD God, through one of his emissaries, places the rod of power upon you and gives you the key of light and the rod of power that you will detect that direction and follow it to the fullest capability of your consciousness.
Thus, discerning God-direction is a science in itself, and you will learn much of that science at the ascended masters’ university. You will also learn it in the retreats of the violet flame presided over by Lord Zadkiel and by Saint Germain, for these prepare souls for the Cave of Light. And thus these hierarchs should be appealed to. As you retire each night and take your leave of your physical body, the soul travels in its etheric envelope. And if you invoke these masters ere you leave, they will guide you unerringly to the place prepared, the manger, the haven of light in one of the retreats of the Brotherhood where the Christ can be born in you and where you can bear the Christ for all mankind.[5]
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Cave of Light.”