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The Illuminati was a secret order founded in Bavaria May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt (1748–1830), a professor of canon law at Ingolstadt University, Germany, and a former Jesuit. This order, originally called the Society of Perfectibilists, was divided into an intricate system of graded classes and degrees of initiation. Members observed strict oaths of secrecy and obedience to superiors, with secret confessions and mutual surveillance.

Part of a series of articles on the
False Hierarchy

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False hierarchy
Fallen angels

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Peshu Alga

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Sons of Belial

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   False Hierarchy   
Indian Black Brotherhood
Brotherhood of the Black Raven
False gurus
Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati

At its height, the Illuminati operated throughout a wide area of Europe. It is said that Weishaupt’s real aim—hidden from novices at the outer rings of his group—was to replace Christianity with the worship of reason and to establish a world government through which the Illuminati would rule the world. The group was outlawed by edict of the Bavarian government in 1785, though some claim that the order and/or its ideals and methods have lived on.


Once man and woman have rejected the Path—both the teacher and the teaching—their existence is relegated to the time-space world. There nature and elemental life in Matter have been subjected to the prideful, willful misuses of the crown chakra by the fallen angels who follow the leader who calls himself the Illumined One.

Lucifer chose this title as the ultimate perversion of the wisdom of the second ray and of the light of the Father-Mother God. Those who followed him in the usurpation of the Mother’s energies of illumined action called themselves the Illuminists. And over the centuries the inner and outer orders of those who have created the counterfeit path have been known as the Illuminati.

Goals of the Illuminati

The Illuminists have taught over thousands of years the philosophy of scientific humanism. This is the doctrine that man has a superior intelligence and that he can achieve his goals by intelligence alone. The scientific humanist strives for domination of the Matter sphere; his goal is man’s exaltation over nature and nature’s God. He has no need for a God who is perceived to exist outside of his consciousness, for he is a god unto himself.

In the course of the manipulation of mankind, the Illuminists (who now stand in the place of guru) have imposed their tyrannies of pride and arrogance on top of the self-imposed tyrannies of fallen man and woman.

The Illuminists, working with the Satanists and certain orders of the occult sponsored by the false hierarchy, succeeded in invading the echelons of the most highly evolved among the sons and daughters of God who held their positions in the royal houses of Europe according to what has been called the divine right of kings.

The right of sons and daughters to rule was the natural order of hierarchy from the time of the golden ages of Lemuria and Atlantis. But having successfully corrupted the royal houses and the royal line by infiltrating the ranks of the lightbearers with their own, the Illuminists became the libertines, the fallen angels who took full advantage of their positions inside the royal families.

Whether through intermarriage or through the manipulation of money, the Illuminists destroyed the royal lineage that had descended both spiritually and materially from the house of David and from the twelve tribes of Israel.

The Illuminati and the French Revolution

In France the inner circles of the order of the Illuminati made the monarchy look so black by their own doings within it that they were able to rally the people against the king and queen. The ensuing bloodbath and Robespierre’s reign of terror resulted in the murder of both the sons and daughters of God who had the right to rule and of the pawns of the Illuminists as well.

Those who masterminded the conspiracy of the French Revolution were not concerned that thousands of their own were sacrificed in order to advance the cause of an intellectual humanism. The innermost core of the Illuminati consider that those who occupy the successive rings in their dark mandala are expendable and that the end always justifies the means.

Thus they use the children of the light and mankind in general to rebel against the established order of the sons and daughters of God and the hierarchy of light. Once that establishment has been thoroughly infiltrated by their members, at a certain point when revolution is imminent, the key Illuminists withdraw from the scene. Then those of equal rank on the path of light and the path of darkness are buried in a common grave.

Thus the heads that rolled at the guillotine were of both the seed of Christ and the seed of the Wicked One. No matter. The goal of the guillotine in every age is to widen the circle of godless government by the intellectual elite—the Illuminists.

The French freed themselves from a tyrannical yoke, but alas, they soon put on another even greater yoke: the karma of rebellion against holy order, which is heaven’s first law. When man becomes a law unto himself, the path of liberty is inverted and, like the children of Israel, he condemns himself to endless wandering through a desert devoid of heavenly graces. Then only a compassionate prophet, like a Moses or a Saint Germain, can deliver him.

This has been going on century after century, and still the children of God and most of mankind have not perceived the great conspiracy of the false hierarchy. Their failure to see has fulfilled the prophecy “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”[1]

An ongoing conspiracy

Cyclopea explains that the conspiracy of the Illuminati continues at inner levels:

I come to tell you that the conspiracy of the Illuminati is a reality from astral planes, from the fallen ones who have been organized with their concept of the new order of the ages since the moment of the Great Rebellion and the fall of the Luciferians. From that hour the councils of the fallen ones determined to take over the earth, to deprive man and woman of their rightful inheritance in taking dominion over the earth, and to set forth the counterfeit hierarchy and the counterfeit plan.

And therefore I tell you that those who are a part of the Illuminati, they themselves conceive of themselves as the ones who are called and appointed to bring forth the new order of the ages. And just as you see in this sign and symbol of the Great White Brotherhood [the capstone of the pyramid] the promise of the coming of the seventh ray of Saint Germain, so the fallen ones are as certain that the time is coming when their new order of worldwide power in the economy and in the governments of the nations, as worldwide control, will be a manifest reality.[2]

See also



For more information

John Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798; reprint ed., Los Angeles: Western Islands, 1967).

G. Edward Griffin, The Capitalist Conspiracy (Thousand Oaks, Calif.: American Media, 1971).


Archangel Gabriel, Mysteries of the Holy Grail.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of Self-Transformation.

  1. Prov. 29:18.
  2. Cyclopea, “Vision for the City Foursquare,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 53, no. 21, November 1, 2010.