Hefðarfrúin okkar í Knock

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Myndskreyting af birtingunni í Knock

Þann 21. ágúst 1879 birtist blessuð móðir með Sankti Jósef á hægri hönd og Sankti Jóhannes guðspjallamaður á vinstri hönd í þögulli heimsókn fyrir sunnan. gaflvegg litlu kirkjunnar í Knock, Mayo-sýslu á Írlandi. Að sögn sáust um átján manns. Vitni sögðu að blessuð móðirin væri klædd drottningu í ljómandi hvítum klæðum og væri með kórónu með rós yfir enninu þar sem kórónan passaði enni hennar. Hún horfði upp og virtist vera að biðja. Eftir þessa heimsókn fengu margir pílagrímar kraftaverkalækningar.

Hin uppstigni kvenmeistari heilaga Thérèse frá Lisieux sagði um þessa birtingu:

Blessed hearts, the corruption [in the church] is rampant and rife. Therefore, know that when Mother Mary did appear at Knock, she did come standing outside of the Church and not within. When she did appear at Fátima and [now] at Medjugorje in Yugoslavia, again it [was and] is to the pure heart of the child outside of the edifice.

Know, then, beloved, that the Church can no longer contain the Mystical Body of God and yet there is great fear among those who are yet trapped within its walls—who fear to disassociate themselves, for they know in their hearts that once this Church had the dispensation of Christ.

Know, then, beloved, that these require courage and a path and you also require courage and a path. Therefore the Father has anointed me with angels that he has given to me as my very own bands to come to you and to assist you and to plead this cause: that these holy ones of God within the Church, whose very light and blood are the sustenance thereof [and who] are also being devoured by it, [might be set free from their captivity in answer to your calls].[1]


Pearls of Wisdom, 31. bindi, nr. 39, 13. júlí, 1988.

  1. Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, “Outside the Church,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31, no. 39, July 13, 1988.