
Verðirnir voru englar sem sofnuðu á verði sínum við Guð, yfirgáfu háleita guðlega stöðu sína (meðvitund) og féllu til jarðar vegna losta síns.
Verðirnir höfðu einu sinni deilt með hinum Sjö heilögu Kúmerum himneskum stöðum hinna Stóra þöglu varða og Heimskennaranna sem verndarar hreinleika sálarinnar og þróunar ÉG ER-kynþáttarins. Hinir miklu þöglu verðir standa vörð um hreinleika Krists-vitundarinnar og Krists-myndarinnar sem sálir ljóssins eru skapaðar úr.
Sumir varðanna voru sendir af Guði til að fræða mannanna börn, samkvæmt apókrýfubók Fagnaðarársins 4:15. Þessir verðir féllu í kjölfarið þegar þeir fóru að búa með „dætrum mannanna“. G. B. Caird (Principalities and Powers) vitnar í Opinberunarbók Barúks sem segir að það hafi verið „holdlegt eðli mannsins sem varð ekki aðeins hætta fyrir hans eigin sál heldur leiddi til falls englanna. ref>A Dictionary of Angels, sjá „fallnir englar.“</ref>
Verðirnir og Enoksbók
Falli varðanna er lýst í Enoksbók sem gyðingar og kristnir menn héldu eitt sinn upp á. Þessi bók féll um síðir í ónáð á meðal áhrifamikilla guðfræðinga vegna umdeildra staðhæfinga hennar um eðli og verk fallinna engla.
Vandræðin hófust, samkvæmt Enoksbók, þegar himneskir englar og leiðtogi þeirra að nafni Samyaza fengu óseðjandi girnd á dætrum mannanna á jörðinni og óbærilega löngun til að geta börn með þessum konum. Samyaza óttaðist að stíga einn niður til dætra mannanna og þess vegna sannfærði hann tvö hundruð engla sem kallaðir voru verðir til að fylgja honum í för hans til að njóta holdsins lystisemda.
Síðan sóru englarnir eið og bundust heitmælum með „gagnkvæmum formælingum“ — bölvunum [ef út af skyldi bregða]. Þegar slíkur sáttmáli var innsiglaður var refsing fyrir svik úthlutað með ólýsanlegum hryllingi. Englarnir komu niður og tóku sér konur úr hópi mannanna. Þeir kenndu konunum galdra, særingar og spádóma – rangfærslum á leyndardómum himinsins.
Konurnar eignuðust börn með þessum englum — illum risum. Risarnir éta upp alla þá fæðu sem jarðarbúar geta framleitt. Ekkert seður svengd þeirra. Þeir drepa sér til matar fugla, dýr, skriðdýr og fiska. Fyrir óhemjulegri matargræðgi þeirra er ekkert heilagt. Fljótlega verður jafnvel „Homo sapiens“ [("hinn vitiborni maður")] að lostæti.[1]
Samkvæmt sögunni útbýr illskufullur engill að nafni Azazyel skrautbúnað fyrir maka þeirra — eins og augnförðun og flott armbönd — til að auka kynþokka þeirra. Hvað mennina varðar kennir Azazyel þeim „allar tegundir misgjörða“, þar á meðal að búa til sverð, hnífa, skildi, brynjur — öll tilskilin stríðstæki.[2]
Þar, fyrir árþúsundum, útskýrði einhver tilkomu stríðs ekki sem plágu sem mennirnir fundu upp á eða plágur sendar af Guði, heldur sem hefndarverk fallins engils sem var bannfærður frá valdsviðum Guðs. Það felst í að maðurinn, fyrir tilverknað vélabragða, ánetjaðist stríðsleikjum hinna föllnu engla og leyfði sér að fremja þjóðarmorð til að verjast erkifjendum sínum.
Dómfelling yfir vörðunum
En það er meira í frásögn Enoks um verðina. Þegar jarðarbúar hrópa í örvæntingu gegn grimmdarverkunum sem hellt er yfir þá heyrir himinninn bænir þeirra. Hinir voldugu erkienglar — Míkael, Gabríel, Rafael, Surýal og Úríel — skjóta málinu fyrir hönd jarðarbúa til hins hæsta, konungs konunga. [3]
Drottinn skipar Rafael að binda Azazyel á höndum og fótum. Gabríel er sendur til að tortíma „hórdómsbörnunum“, afkomendum varðanna – með því að eggja þau til eigin tortímingar í gagnkvæmri slátrun. Mikael hefur síðan heimilað að binda Samyaza og óguðlega afkomendur hans „í sjötíu ættliði undir jörðu, allt til dómsdags.“[4] Og Guð sendi flóðið mikla til að þurrka út hina illu risa, börn varðanna.
But in succeeding generations (after the sinking of the continent of Atlantis) the giants return once again to haunt mankind. Likewise it seems that the Watchers will hold power over man (in some curiously undefined way) until the final judgment of these angels comes, which, the author implies, is long overdue.
The main theme of the Book of Enoch is the final judgment of these fallen angels, the Watchers, and their progeny, the evil spirits.[5]
The Verðirnir og risarnir
The Bible records that Enoch “walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.”[6] We know him today as the Ascended Master Enoch, and he comes again to reveal the plots of the fallen ones and to give further explanation of the teachings found in the Book of Enoch:
Understand, then, the mystery that is so clearly written in my book. These Watchers came down lusting after the daughters of men,[7] who themselves were defiled and entered into the defilement of the holy angels. These daughters of men were the very ones who were the offspring of the Nephilim—Nephilim who had descended even before the hour of the Watchers for the violation of the seed of God. And in their lust for power, they themselves took the seed of God and combined it with the seed of animal and therefore produced neither a god nor a man but a devil incarnate, even the evil spirits.[8]
Thus, these daughters that were the offspring became the focal point of verily what has been called animal magnetism—the animal element of Homo erectus and the magnetism even of the Great Central Sun Magnet that is contained in the holy seed of holy angels. Thus, without authority, these fallen ones established the enthronement of the carnal mind. They created not god, not animal, not man, but what has been called a kind of man, a race of mankind hewn out of the rock of Light and yet enslaved by the lesser creation.
And whence cometh the lesser creation? It is also the product of genetic manipulation. And therefore one can look back and further back and discover these self-styled Darwinians[9] who, in the very origination of the evil of their hearts,[10] determined to enslave the Christic Light ’gainst whom they rebelled in the courts of heaven.
Thus, there are levels of rebels called fallen ones. And the Watchers represented a class all of their own who responded to the lust of power, to the mockery of God, to the entering in of the misuse of the life-force itself.[11]
Verðir samtímans

These fallen ones are with us today in positions of power in Church and State as prime movers in matters of war and finance, sitting in the banking houses and on policy-making councils that determine the actual fate of mankind by population control and genetic engineering, the control of energy and commodities, education and the media, and by ideological and psychopolitical strategies of divide and conquer on all fronts. They have been from the beginning the spoilers of the dream of God and man. This is an ancient conspiracy that is still with the mankind of earth and will be with us until children of the Light receive the true knowledge concerning the seed of the Wicked One and the seed of the son of God.
The Watchers are always the ones at the top and behind the scenes, and they consider themselves far superior to the Nephilim class. They consider themselves the superrich, the elite, having the highest and best genetic strain on the planet. There is no question that the Watchers consider themselves a different race—a different evolution separate from and having all the little people beneath them. They think that the little people exist only to be pawns in whatever game they happen to be playing.
The Nephilim are a lower order of angels, and they are the ones who frequent with laggards who have betrayed their Christhood. They are found more in the fields of science, genetic engineering, population manipulation, philosophy. They seek to control society through psychology, socialism, liberalism and other ideologies; whereas the Watchers are always found in positions of power in money, in law, in government and in the economy.
The Watchers, by their words and their deeds, have been eroding our planet for a long, long time—our civilization, our religion, and if they could, our very souls. And so, as we are attentive to the ascended masters and their directions, we should always realize that the key reason for all teachings and all direction, all admonishments, all calls for decrees and various practices that we have are for the protection of the soul from its vulnerability to the perpetual manipulation of spacecraft, laggards and Nephilim and their scientists who have long since blended in with the evolution themselves.
Niðjar varðanna
Out of the union of the Watchers with mortals came the giants who are mentioned throughout the Old Testament—for example, in the story of the shepherd boy David and the giant Goliath.[13] These giants are the offspring of these mighty Watchers, who once held the office at the same level of the Great Silent Watchers. It was their responsibility to hold the Cosmic Christ image for all evolutions. So their fall was great, and today they are the powerful and the mighty among earth’s evolutions. They have a very large physical presence, and when they are not compromised by intermarriage, they retain that large stature.
These are the enemies of Archangel Michael. They are your enemies also. And you need to know yourself, know the enemy of yourself in the carnal mind, know your vulnerability to the personality cult and the death cult, the money cult, the success cult of these Watchers. They put out the signal that we should have the desire to be like them—to dress like them, to look like them, to share in their power and above all, to gain their approval. Many people spend dozens of embodiments attempting to gain the approval of the Watchers.
Sjá einnig
Fidel Castro, einn af upprunalegu vörðunum
Archangel Gabriel, Mysteries of the Holy Grail
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil, bls. 8–12, 15, 87.
- ↑ Enok 7:1–15.
- ↑ Enok 8:1–9.
- ↑ Enok 9:1–14.
- ↑ Enok 10:15. Ég tel að sjötíu kynslóðir séu löngu liðnar og að þetta sé tímabil dómfellingarinnar. Afkomendur varðanna eru óbundin og hafa verið leyst á jörðinni til að sálir ljóssins geti leitt þau til lokaprófunar.
- ↑ En. 15:8.
- ↑ Gen. 5:24.
- ↑ Enoch 7:1, 2, 10; Gen. 6:1–3.
- ↑ Enoch 15:8.
- ↑ In their linkage of the ape with the seed of fallen angels they created the link between the animal and the human race that they later, as reincarnated Darwinians, used to prove their Darwinian theory of evolution, thus intimidating the children of the Light (the Christic seed) to believe that they are of the animal creation.
- ↑ Gen. 6:5.
- ↑ Enoch, December 29, 1980, “The Elect One Cometh—At the Convergence of Golden-Ratio Spirals Ascending and Descending,” in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 24, no. 5, February 1, 1981.
- ↑ Purity and Astrea, “Let the Divine Solution Appear!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 12, March 21, 1982.
- ↑ Deut. 2:11, 20; 3:11, 13; Num. 13:33; Josh. 12:4; 13:12; 15:8; 17:15; 18:16; I Sam. 17:4–51; II Sam. 21:16–22; I Chron. 20:4–8.