Mansión Rakoczy

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La Mansión Rakoczy es un foco de libertad al pie de los montes Cárpatos, en Transilvania, actualmente parte de Rumanía. Parecido a un castillo medieval, rodeado de bosques, este foco físico sigue oculto a los ojos del mundo.


Saint Germain llegó allí antes del hundimiento de la Atlántida, llevando la llama de la libertad bajo la guía directa del Gran Director Divino. Saint Germain reencarnó allí siglos después y, bajo la guía de su gurú, redescubrió la llama que había colocado y luego construyó la Mansión Rakoczy. Allí recibió a los jefes de Estado de los países europeos, enseñó la ciencia de la alquimia, intentó unir a Europa y expandir la llama de la libertad en el corazón de la gente.


La sala de la llama en el centro de la mansión da cabida a aproximadamente cien personas. Es una sala rectangular con entradas en los dos extremos, estando el altar en el lado más largo de la sala, con una plataforma y un podio para el jerarca que ha de oficiar y con la llama de la libertad en tonos violeta resplandeciendo sobre el altar detrás del orador. El foco físico actualmente está, en su mayor parte, inactivo, pero la llama sigue ardiendo sobre el altar.

Temple of the Maltese Cross

Saint Germain has transported archives, paintings and collections from this retreat to his focus in the Cave of Symbols. However, just over the House of Rakoczy in the etheric realms, he has recently built an etheric temple in the shape of a Maltese cross. This is a permanent focus of the flame of freedom on behalf of the millions of lifestreams who yearn to drink deeply of the draught of freedom and to taste the elixir of immortal life that has become a legend as the famed fountain of eternal youth, which was sought after by Ponce de Leon and the explorers who came to the New World.

Activities of the retreat

The Great Divine Director has described some of the activities of this retreat:

I am the founder of the House of Rakoczy. And in our mansion in Transylvania, where there has been established on the etheric plane a sacred Temple of the Maltese Cross, there are enshrined records of past civilizations of glory and blueprints for a golden age to come. Some of you have journeyed to that retreat in past embodiments when Saint Germain acted as host, and you came in physical bodies to be entertained there by the Wonderman of Europe, my disciple and your Knight Commander.[1]

The keynote of the retreat is “Tales from the Vienna Woods.”

See also

Great Divine Director

Saint Germain

Cave of Light


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, “The Rakoczy Mansion and the Temple of the Maltese Cross.”

  1. The Great Divine Director, “God-Direction for the Coming Cycle,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 16, no. 42, October 21, 1973.