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Omri-Tas er stjórnandi fjólubláa hnattarins. Saint Germain hefur sagt okkur að Omri-Tas beri slíkan styrk fjólubláa logans og sjöunda geislans í áru sinni að hann nær langt út fyrir raunverulega stærð jarðarinnar.

Omri-Tas dvelur hjá Heimsdrottninum í Shamballa (uppi yfir Gobí-eyðimörkinni) þar sem hann og fylgdarlið hans þjóna hinum hæsta Guði. Hann hefur heitið því að viðhalda fjólubláa loga frelsisins á jörðinni. Guðdómleg samfella og uppfylling (maki) hans heldur bænavöku í hjarta fjólubláa hnattarins með hundrað fjörutíu og fjögur þúsund prestum hins helga elds.

Fjólublái hnötturinn

Aðalgrein: Fjólublái hnötturinn

The evolutions of the Violet Planet have served the violet flame for aeons and use the violet flame to tend to all the needs of daily life—to clean their homes, to care for and purify the planet, and even to wash and bathe in. Menial chores are performed by violet-flame angels and elementals, which allows the people time to pursue the path of adeptship and to serve other planetary homes.

Across the Violet Planet, one hundred and forty-four thousand priests of the sacred fire tend the violet flame day and night and perform ceremonies and rituals of the violet flame at thousands of altars.

Omri-Tas has one hundred and forty-four thousand priests of the sacred fire serving in his command who may be called upon at any time for an intense and fiery release of the violet flame on behalf of mankind and the elemental kingdom.

Sáttmáli fjólubláa logans


Over the years, Omri-Tas has released specific violet-flame dispensations to assist the chelas of Saint Germain and to uplift the earth. We can call to Omri-Tas to reactivate and multiply these dispensations.

Sjá einnig

Violet flame dispensations from Omri-Tas

Omri-Tas and Saint Germain’s Day

Fjólublái hnötturinn

Fjólublái loginn


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, sjá “Omri-Tas”.