Athvarf Heros og Amoru

Elóhímar þriðja geislans, Heros og Amora, einbeita sér að orku hjartaorkustöðva plánetunnar í athvörfum þeirra sem staðsett er á ljósvakasviðinu uppi yfir Winnipeg-vatni, Manitóba, Kanada.
Kraftsvið þessa musteris og musterið sjálft eru hönnuð eftir mynstri blómstrandi lótuss þar sem blöðin hafa ekki náð fullri stærð. Musterið er ferhyrnt, gert úr rósakvars, með risastórum krónublöðum sem rísa upp í hverju horni og háum turni við innganginn. Frá efsta hluta hvers krónublaðs að miðjum hliðum musterisins teygjast tvö bönd úr málmlíku efni sem þjóna sem ljósleiðarar. Þrjár blaðlaga hurðir eru við inngang athvarfsins sem er í háu spírunni í miðju annarar af fjórum hliðunum.
Þegar við förum í gegnum innganginn niður miðlægan gang nálgumst við niðursokkið altari kærleiksgeislans. Hér logar bleikur skúfur kærleikslogans á miðri fyrstu hæð. Þrjár hæðir sem lækka niður á gólfið mynda skálina fyrir logann sem er umkringdur útskornum krónublöðum. Þrjár aðrar lífæðar ganga frá altarinu til krónublaðalaga kennslustofa sem eru innan ferninganna fjögurra sem fyrsta hæðin er jafnt skipt í.
There are four levels in this retreat, the second and third floors consisting of chambers used by the pink-flame angels who serve here and the masters who frequent the retreat. On the top floor is the throne of the Elohim in a large round room, an audience chamber, having the appearance of a disc with beautiful carvings in the stone walls.
Throughout the retreat are sculptured art forms that convey the action of divine love to the universe, its cohesive power within the atom and in galaxies. Meditation upon these sculptures infuses the consciousness with the understanding of the laws of love and their operation at every level of consciousness, for they key into the patterns within the atom and the cell of man where the laws of God are written in his inward parts. Therefore, upon seeing these sculptures, the individual ties into that which he already knows, and he becomes that knowledge through meditation.
The Mikilvægi þessa athvarfs
It is extremely significant to have a retreat of the Elohim of Love as a focus of divine love in the Western Hemisphere. This retreat guides the destiny of North and South America. The radiance of the pink flame from the heart of Heros and Amora together with that of Chamuel and Charity forms an arc of love connecting the retreat over Lake Winnipeg with that of the archangel and archeia of the third ray over St. Louis, Missouri.
This arc of love is for the union of the Western Hemisphere and the bringing in of the golden age. Canada and the United States of America are intended to work together in absolute unity of purpose to defend the Western Hemisphere against all inroads of bondage and all manifestations of anti-love. Canada, the United States of America and South and Central America are intended to form one cosmic action of the threefold flame—the wisdom of the heart of the United States, the great devotion and love of the people of South and Central America and the unlimited resources of the power ray in Canada.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, sjá “Heros and Amora’s Retreat”.