Retiro de la Madre Divina
El Retiro de la Madre Divina es el retiro de la Maestra Ascendida Venus. Se encuentra en la octava etérica, en las montañas Rocosas que están en la frontera norte del parque nacional Yellowstone. El foco físico del retiro está en el Rancho Royal Teton, una propiedad obtenida por estudiantes de los maestros bajo su guía como un foco exterior de la Gran Hermandad Blanca.
El 15 de diciembre de 1985 Sanat Kumara anunció la apertura de la puerta del Templo de la Madre Divina:
La Madre ha esperado mucho la venida del Buda desde el corazón de Shambala. Ha esperado mucho vuestra venida. Y ella sostiene el equilibrio de civilizaciones antiguas que han tenido lugar, tanto en Lemuria como en la Atlántida, y de aquellas que, olvidadas hace mucho, estaban en este continente así como en otras zonas de la Tierra.
This great and vast temple of light, beloved, has been prepared over aeons. It is the place of the gathering of the culture of all nations and peoples. It is the place of the drawing together of many lifewaves. Therefore, minister to them, understand them, feed them the teachings of the path of their own soul’s resolution, their own soul’s calling, and their own soul’s tradition.
In the heart of Lady Venus, who keeps the flame of Mother Earth with you, the flame of the Divine Mother of Love does abide. Thus Venus, initiator with the holy Kumaras of your souls on the path of the ruby ray, does position herself in this hour in the etheric retreat of the Divine Mother over this Ranch, arcing her heart’s love to the retreats of the earth, to the Goddess of Liberty, and to every soul who must journey there.[1]
In 1986 Gautama Buddha spoke of this retreat and of his own, the Western Shamballa, also established in this location:
Almighty ones of light I AM THAT I AM, now you understand that the Western Shamballa, sealed over the Heart of the Inner Retreat and extending for many miles radiating out therefrom, is a consecration of a shrine made holy by the footsteps of archangels long ago. Now you understand that the white-fire/blue-fire sun that has come in the establishment of the Retreat of the Divine Mother, with Lady Master Venus presiding over the Ranch, is also the polarity of that Western Shamballa. As you have heard, then, and understood, you can see that for aeons heaven has been banking upon this area as a place preserved, reserved, then, for evolutions who will come apart because they have been taken to the inner retreats of the Great White Brotherhood.[2]
See also
Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Los Maestros y sus Retiros, Volumen 2, “El Retiro de la Madre Divina”.