Retiro de Zaratustra

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Other languages:

Zaratustra ha dicho que somos «candidatos a ir a su retiro». Él lo llama el lugar preparado, un poderoso retiro que es una réplica de la cámara secreta del corazón, nuestro corazón. La ubicación del retiro de Zaratustra no ha sido dada. Zaratustra explica el porqué:

I look forward to welcoming you there, beloved ones, yet I have not released the whereabouts of this retreat, nor shall I. For when you make attunement with your own heart, beloved ones, and when you are in that heart as the devotee of the God within your heart, then so know and so understand: you shall not be able to avoid reaching that retreat of mine that is the replica of the secret chamber of the heart. Thus, I will tell you one thing. It is deep within the mountains. But which mountains, beloved, you will have to discover for yourselves.[1]

See also



Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Los Maestros y sus Retiros, Volumen 2, “Retiro de Zaratustra”.

  1. Zarathustra, “Thou Purging Fire!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 36, September 6, 1992.