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(Del latín, significa "portador de luz".) Uno que alcanzó el rango de Arcángel y cayó de la gracia por orgullo, ambición y el deseo de estar por encima de las Estrellas de Dios (hijos de Dios y Elohim), por encima de la gloria de la Shekiná para rivalizar con el Altísimo. "¡Cómo caíste del cielo, oh Lucero, hijo de la mañana!..."[1]

Archetype of the planetary dweller-on-the-threshold.


Los ángeles caídos

Isaías 14:12-17 proporciona el relato bíblico de la declaración de guerra de Lucifer contra Dios Todopoderoso y su Cristo:

Cómo caíste del cielo, ¡oh Lucero, hijo de la mañana! Cortado fuiste por tierra, tú que debilitabas a las naciones.

Tú que decías en tu corazón: Subiré al cielo; en lo alto, junto a las estrellas de Dios, levantaré mi trono, y en el monte del testimonio me sentaré, a los lados del norte:

Sobre las alturas de las nubes subiré, y seré semejante al Altísimo.

Mas tú derribado eres hasta el Seol, a los lados del abismo.

Se inclinarán hacia ti los que te vean, te contemplarán, diciendo: ¿Es éste aquel varón que hacía temblar la tierra, que trastornaba los reinos;

que puso el mundo como un desierto, que asoló sus ciudades, que a sus presos nunca abrió la cárcel?

Sanat Kumara speaks of the angels that followed Lucifer in the Great Rebellion:

In the Great Rebellion against the LORD God Almighty and the hosts of his heavenly Hierarchy, Lucifer seduced no small number of angelic bands led by his cohorts. Their names are mentioned in the Book of Enoch, and in other books of the Apocrypha, and in the codified scriptures of East and West.

More notable are the names Satan, Beelzebub, Belial, Baal, etc. One such name, that of the more shrewd and subtil leader of a band of fallen ones, has come to be lowercased in the lexicon of sacred scripture, and it has taken on a symbolic rather than personal connotation. It is that of Serpent.

Whereas the term “great dragon” refers to the conglomerate of the entire Luciferian false hierarchy arrayed against the Great White Brotherhood, its individual members and hierarchs specialize in certain phases of the “dragon’s” persecution of the Woman and in the war waged by the Luciferian false hierarchy against the remnant of the Woman’s seed.

Whereas Satan is known as the original Murderer using the murder of the lightbearers to thwart the divine plan of God in the earth, Serpent, who is also “called the Devil and Satan,” is the Archdeceiver, the original Liar and the father of lies whose philosophy of deception, based on fear and doubt, is his modus operandi in his warfare against the true Christs and the true prophets.

Serpent is the Wicked One whose seed, along with Satan’s, is sown as tares among the good wheat of the Christic seed. It is this seed who are called the offspring of the vipers. “Viper” is from the Greek translation of the proper name “Serpent,” who, together with the fallen ones of his band, was cast out of heaven and took embodiment on earth where they have continued to reincarnate since the Great Rebellion.[2]

The angels who followed this archdeceiver, named by Jesus “the father of lies” and “a murderer from the beginning,”[3] are the fallen ones, also called Luciferians, Satanists or sons of Belial (after their various lieutenants). More than disobedient, these rebels against First Cause were blasphemous and contemptuous of the Father and his children amongst whom they embodied (see the parable of the tares among the wheat, Matt. 13), having been brought low—to the lowly estate of physical incarnation—by the LORD’s hosts.

El juicio final de Lucifer

El 16 de abril de 1975, Lucifer fue atado por el Arcángel Miguel y fue llevado a la Corte del Fuego Sagrado que se encuentra en el plano etérico de la Estrella Divina Sirio, en la que fue llevado a juicio ante los Veinticuatro Ancianos por un lapso de diez días. El testimonio de muchas almas de luz que están encarnadas en la Tierra y en muchos sistemas y planetas fue escuchado, junto con el de los maestros ascendidos, arcángeles y Elohim.

On April 26, 1975, he was found guilty of total rebellion against Almighty God by the unanimous vote of the Twenty Four and sentenced to the second death. As he stood on the disc of the sacred fire before the court, the flame of Alpha and Omega rose as a spiral of intense white light, canceling out an identity and a consciousness that had influenced the fall of one third of the angels of the galaxies and countless lifewaves evolving in this and other systems of worlds.

Many who followed the Fallen One in the Great Rebellion against the Son of God have also been brought to trial. His seed, still “wroth with the Woman” and her Manchild, are making war with the heirs of Sanat Kumara’s light on planet earth.[4] Daily they are being bound by Archangel Michael and the Lord’s hosts and remanded to stand trial in the final judgment as one by one their time is up—and they are being judged: “every man according to their works,” as Jesus’ angel showed it in a vision of the last days of the Piscean age to John the Revelator.

See also

Fallen angels


For more information

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil

See also Jesus’ parable of the tares and the wheat (Matt. 13:24–30, 36–43).


Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain Sobre Alquimia: Fórmulas para la autotransformation.

Archangel Gabriel, Mysteries of the Holy Grail.

  1. Isaías 14:12.
  2. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Opening of the Seventh Seal: Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray, chapter 33.
  3. John 8:44.
  4. See Rev. 12.