La maestra ascendida Lotus estuvo encarnada por última vez como Edna Ballard, la mensajera de Saint Germain en la Actividad YO SOY, que fue fundada a principios de la década de 1930. Su llama gemela es el mensajero Guy W. Ballard, ahora el maestro ascendido Godfre. A través de ellos Saint Germain dio por primera vez al mundo el conocimiento de la llama violeta.
Civilización de oro en el desierto del Sahara
► Artículo principal: Civilización de oro en el desierto del Sáhara
Lotus, Godfre y su hijo Donald estuvieron todos ellos encarnados hace más de cincuenta mil años como hijos de Saint Germain, el jerarca de la civilización de oro en la zona donde actualmente está el desierto del Sáhara.
Juana de Arco
► Artículo principal: Juana de Arco
Juana de Arco (1412–1431), quien recibió una misión de Dios de reunir los ejércitos franceses y expulsar a las fuerzas invasoras inglesas.
Encarnaciones posteriores
También fue encarnada como Isabel I de Inglaterra (1533–1603); y como Benjamín Franklin (1706–1790), quien jugó un papel muy influyente en la fundación de la nación estadounidense.
Her final embodiment
Edna Ballard, con frecuencia llamada Mama Ballard por sus estudiantes, utilizó el pseudónimo de Lotus Ray King. Pasó por tremendas tribulaciones y persecución durante su época como mensajera. En 1940, en Los Ángeles (el año después de la ascensión de Godfre), la Sra. Ballard, su hijo Donald y otros recibieron acusaciones criminales federales por supuestas solicitaciones fraudulentas de fondos realizadas por correo. A pesar de las rotundas objeciones por parte del abogado defensor, un jurado recibió la tarea de decidir si los Ballard realmente creían lo que enseñaban sobre su cargo de mensajeros y los maestros ascendidos.
Over a period of six years, United States vs. Ballard went through two trials and an extended series of appeals, during which Mrs. Ballard was at one point convicted and sentenced to a year in prison and fined $8,000, although the prison sentence was later suspended. Soon thereafter, the Post Office Department issued an order denying use of the mail to the I AM Activity. In the face of adverse media coverage and extreme prejudice within the criminal justice system, Mrs. Ballard and her students fought on, and their efforts culminated in the U.S. Supreme Court throwing out the conviction in 1946. The written opinion from the case has often been cited in subsequent litigation to prohibit judicial inquiry into the truth or falsity of religious beliefs.
The ascended lady master Magda spoke of the service of the Ballards and of their persecution. She said that we would not have the opportunity to give the violet flame and ascend “if Saint Germain and Godfre and Lotus had not been willing to bear the utter persecution, the trial, the lies in the newspapers regarding the I AM movement. You have also been persecuted in your time, but those days of the I AM movement were horrific and without parallel.”[1]
On November 18, 1970, Edna Ballard gave her final dictation before her transition. On February 12, 1971, she made her ascension and became the ascended lady master Lotus.
Her mission today
Lotus spoke in 1973 of her service and of the ongoing mission of the messengers:
Some of you here knew me in my last embodiment, and you called me Mama. I desire that you should address this salutation to the Mother of the Flame; for I transfer to her this night my momentum of victory with the legions of light, and I give to her the mantle of my authority and my messengership under Saint Germain....
I speak now directly to those students who were with me in the I AM Activity, and I say to you, regardless of all evidence to the contrary or of anything that might have passed from my lips while I was in embodiment, I do espouse and back with my total heart flame this activity and this messenger as the continuing outpost and release of the Great White Brotherhood and of Saint Germain to this age.
For I understand from ascended levels of consciousness the nature of the ongoingness of hierarchy. And although there are only two messengers of the Brotherhood, the two messengers constitute the office of the two witnesses spoken of in the Book of Revelation. This, then, is a high and holy calling to which twin flames are ordained in every age.
Thus, as there is only one Christ, so there are many manifestations of the office of the Christ; and as there are offices in hierarchy, so the opportunity to serve in those offices is given to ascended and unascended sons and daughters of God as they evolve in the hierarchical scheme of the Great White Brotherhood.[2]
See also
Template:MTS, s.v. “Lotus.”