Ruth Hawkins

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Ruth Hawkins

La llama gemela de Pablo el Veneciano es la maestra ascendida Ruth Hawkins. Ruth nació el 18 de febrero de 1907, en Topeka, en el estado de Kansas (lugar de nacimiento también de Clara Louise Kieninger). Ruth vivía en Albuquerque (Nuevo México) cuando ascendió, en octubre de 1995, a la edad de ochenta y ocho años.

Era un alma fuerte y fogosa, que dio mucho a la causa de la Gran Hermandad Blanca. Tenía el cabello rubio y unos hermosos ojos azules, claros como el cristal. Era de porte regio y se comportaba con dignidad.

Her service to the masters

Ruth encontró las enseñanzas de los maestros por primera vez mediante la Actividad YO SOY, alrededor de 1936, a la edad de veintinueve años. Cuando Ruth era miembro del Puente a la Libertad, en la década de 1950, Pablo el Veneciano dio un dictado desvelando que Ruth era su llama gemela y que cuando ascendiera se llamaría Diosa de la Belleza.

Desde 1963 a 1973 Ruth fue la directora del Grupo de Estudio de Summit Lighthouse en Los Ángeles, que entonces se llamaba Grupo de la Libertad de Saint Germain. En aquella época este era uno de los grupos de Summit Lighthouse más grandes del país. Cada jueves por la tarde, durante casi veinte años, Ruth guardó una vigilia con otros Guardianes de la Llama.

En 1971, en un servicio dirigido por Mark Prophet, Ruth Hawkins fue investida como dama por Saint Germain por su incansable y fiel trabajo y por su meritorio servicio a los maestros ascendidos. Saint Germain le dio el nombre de Lady Adoremus.


Ruth dedicó su vida a Pablo el Veneciano. A petición suya, ella viajó a Francia con otra devota en otoño de 1984. Alquilaron un apartamento en París, donde decretaron por Francia todos los días, durante cuatro meses, por la mañana, por la tarde y por la noche.

Ruth y su amiga vivían en una plaza llamada la Place du Tertre, donde cientos de artistas ponían sus caballetes para pintar. Ruth hablaba con los artistas de arte y les enseñaba la Gráfica de tu Yo Divino, así como imágenes de los maestros. Siempre llevaba consigo un montón de Gráficas de tu Yo Divino tamaño billetera. Cuando tenía la oportunidad, le daba una Gráfica a alguien. Cuando se marchó de París, muchos de los artistas tenían una imagen de la Gráfica en el caballete.

Ruth and her friend found that the French usually responded favorably to foreigners who knew French. Although Ruth didn’t know any French when she arrived in Paris, the people loved her anyway. Ruth’s apartment was near the Basilica of the Sacré-Coeur, and Ruth and her friend frequently went to the Sacré-Coeur and other cathedrals to pray for Paris. They would sit in the pews and decree to Astrea.

Ruth and her friend also did many violet-flame decrees—half an hour three times a day. They felt that there was much hardness in the city and that the violet flame was needed to soften it so that the people would accept the light. Ruth acquired a violet-color transparency. She would hold it up to her eyes and look through it to see the city covered with violet flame.

She held the immaculate concept for all life and never spoke unkindly about anyone. Her friend said it was as if she never saw anything negative in people.

Ruth herself was beautiful and always well-groomed and finely dressed. One day Ruth and her friend were riding a subway in Paris. A mother who looked very poor boarded the subway with her little boy. The boy, about eight years old, was dirty and his clothes were raggedy. There weren’t enough seats for them, so Ruth said to the child, “You can sit on my lap.”

The little boy climbed onto Ruth’s lap and Ruth looked directly at him. She told him how beautiful and special he was; she told him that he was God’s child. The little boy looked back at Ruth and smiled. It was clear that he believed her. When Ruth and her friend got off the subway, Ruth said nothing about how dirty and raggedy the child was. Instead she commented to her friend, “Wasn’t he the most beautiful child you ever saw?” That is what she thought about all children.

Every day around 3:30 pm, when the children got out of school, Ruth and her friend would take a walk to see them. Ruth would smile at the children and say “Bonjour.” And every Thursday the two women held a vigil for the youth.

Her artwork

As the twin flame of Paul the Venetian, Ruth was wholly devoted to truth and beauty. She was an artist and she poured her devotion into her painting. Ruth said that if it were not for Paul the Venetian, she would not have been able to paint. Sometimes, under his direction, she would begin a portrait before she even knew whom she was going to paint.

She created many portraits of the ascended masters, which are still used as focuses for the masters’ presence. Mark Prophet said that if she continued painting, she would make her ascension. Her work included portraits of Paul the Venetian, Saint Germain, Mother Mary, Nada, Kuan Yin, Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus.

Her ascension

Though Ruth knew that Paul the Venetian was her twin flame, at times she was assailed with doubt that this was true. She remembered an embodiment when they had been together and she had doubted him. Ruth felt that if she was to make her ascension in this life, she would have to have total faith in Paul the Venetian. She did overcome her doubt and maintained total faith in her twin flame.

Paul the Venetian was waiting for Ruth when she made her transition, having fulfilled all her commitments to life and balanced her karma. They requested that Ruth experience her ascension from the Temple of the Sun, the etheric retreat of the Goddess of Liberty over Manhattan. The Goddess of Liberty is Paul the Venetian’s spiritual Mother.

Paul the Venetian’s retreat, the Château de Liberté, is on the etheric plane over southern France, but currently he is holding classes in the Temple of the Sun. Ruth wanted to take her ascension from the Temple of the Sun because of her deep love for Saint Germain and for America. Ruth Hawkins’ ascension flame is now permanently anchored in the etheric octave in that retreat over Manhattan.

While Ruth was in embodiment, she anchored Paul the Venetian’s flame in the earth. The master said that she single-handedly carried his torch of the love ray. Since Ruth is now ascended, Paul the Venetian has requested that each one of us carry one flame of the torch of the love ray that she held. We can call to Paul the Venetian and Ruth Hawkins to intensify love in the hearts of people of the world—especially in the youth.

Portraits of the ascended masters by Ruth Hawkins

See also

Paul the Venetian

Château de Liberté


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Ruth Hawkins.”