Seven last plagues

The vials of the seven last plagues (described in Revelation 15) are the judgments of Almighty God taken from the Book of Life and delivered to his people by the angelic hosts for the salvation of their souls through repentance, redemption, and regeneration in the Word. The vials of the seven last plagues contain the misqualified energies of the people of earth which, through invocation to the Holy Spirit, to the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM, and to the Christ Self, can now be requalified with the consciousness of God.
The pouring-out of the seven vials of the seven last plagues by the seven archangels marks the hour of the judgment when people of God everywhere are compelled to choose whether to walk to the right or to the left of the path of righteousness—the path of the right use of the laws governing God’s energy. That which man interprets to be the wrath of God is mankind’s own karma which returns to him according to the law of cause and effect.
This return of our collective karma provides the opportunity to stand, face, and conquer all that is unreal within personal and planetary levels of consciousness. God assigned to the seven archangels the task of delivering the coils of mankind’s karma, not alone on this planet or this system of worlds, but on planets in numberless systems.
For more information
Book of Revelation, chapter 15
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Vials of the Seven Last Plagues: Prophecies of the Seven Archangels
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Vials of the Seven Last Plagues: Prophecies of the Seven Archangels, Introduction.