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A Mestra Ascensa Meta serve no quinto raio – o raio verde da cura, da ciência e da verdade. Ela é filha de Sanat Kumara e da Mestra Vênus, hierarcas do planeta [[Special:MyLanguage/Venus (the planet)|Vênus], e acompanhou o pai à Terra, quando ele veio ajudar as evoluções do planeta.


Na Atlântida, Meta serviu no templo da cura e manteve o foco (da chama da cura), que atualmente se encontra no plano etérico, sobre a Nova Inglaterra (EUA ).

Na encarnação final, Meta viveu na Pérsia, com a sua chama gêmea e três filhos, um dos quais foi Cha Ara. Embora sua chama gêmea tenha feito a transição e ascendido na encarnação seguinte, Meta e os filhos sustentaram a vida nos mesmos corpos físicos, por centenas de anos, até ascenderem.

Depois da sua ascenção

Since then, Meta has taught the science of healing and the use of the light rays in precipitation in the etheric cities, where she has also consecrated temples of healing. Those who study there between embodiments have the opportunity to draw upon her momentum of healing and to use the instruction received when they next embody as scientists, doctors or spiritual healers.

Meta served under the chohan of the fifth ray and then assumed that office when her teacher, who was a cosmic being, went on to cosmic service. After having held this position for several thousand years, she recently transferred the responsibilities of the office to Hilarion; thus, she was able to return with Sanat Kumara to Venus in 1956.

Her service today

In a dictation given December 30, 1974, the ascended master Hilarion told us that Meta had volunteered to tarry with earth’s evolutions. He said: “Meta, then, will occupy etheric levels of the atmosphere of the planet, serving in the various healing temples. Her assignment is to minister to the needs of children.” He said that Meta would be at hand to help mothers and fathers with problems with their children and to heal the minds of children from harmful influences. She is assisted by priestesses of the sacred fire who have tended the flame of healing for thousands of years and who will come to the bedside of children in answer to our call.

Meta works with all the healing masters and the angelic hosts. She carries in her consciousness the immaculate concept, the pure and perfect crystal design for every child on earth and those coming into embodiment.

Hilarion recommended that we appeal to Meta to transfer the crystal matrix for our children. He said:

You can call for the healing thoughtform and the crystal of the immaculate concept to be anchored in their etheric bodies, even now in this very moment. Each day call upon Meta, and you will see how your children will preserve the crystal clarity of the consciousness of God that they had upon entering the world scene.[1]

Students may also call upon Meta for assistance in the clarification of Truth, the definition of Reality and the exposure of false concepts that are set forth in the name of Truth.

See also

Meta's Healing Retreat over New England


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Meta.”

  1. Hilarion, “Dispensations from the Healing Masters,” December 30, 1974.