Ruth Hawkins

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Ruth Hawkins

Ruth Hawkins, chama gêmea do Mestre Ascenso Paulo Veneziano, nasceu em 18 de fevereiro de 1907, em Topeka, Kansas, (EUA ), mesma cidade natal de Clara Louise Kieninger. Ruth vivia em Albuquerque (Novo México, EUA) quando fez sua ascensão, em outubro de 1995, aos oitenta e oito anos.

Ela era uma pessoa de alma ígnea e vigorosa, que fez muito pela causa da Grande Fraternidade Branca. Loura, de olhos azuis cristalinos, comportava-se como se pertencesse à realeza e emanava dignidade.

Seu serviço para os mestres

Ruth teve o primeiro contato com os ensinamentos dos Mestres no Movimento do EU SOU, por volta de 1936, quando tinha vinte e nove anos de idade. Em 1950, quando ela era membro da Ponte para a Liberdade, Paulo Veneziano deu um ditado em que revelou que ela era a sua chama gêmea e que, quando fizesse a ascensão, seria chamada Deusa da Beleza.

De 1963 a 1973, Ruth foi diretora de um Grupo de Estudos da The Summit Lighthouse, que ficava em Los Angeles (Califórnia, EUA), que, então,se chamava Grupo da Liberdade de Saint Germain. Naquela época, era um dos maiores grupos do país. Com outros Guardiães da Chama, ela manteve uma vigília durante as tardes de quinta-feira, durante quase vinte anos.

Em um serviço conduzido por Mark Prophet, em 1971, Saint Germain condecorou Ruth Hawkins pelo seu trabalho incansável e dedicado, e pelo serviço valioso que prestava aos mestres ascensos. Ele concedeu-lhe o título de Lady Adoremus.


Ruth dedicou a vida a Paulo Veneziano e, atendendo a um pedido dele, em 1984, viajou para a França, acompanhada de outra devota. Em Paris, elas alugaram um apartamento e, durante quatro meses, decretaram pela França diariamente, pela manhã, à tarde e à noite.

Ruth e a amiga moravam na “Place du Tertre”, onde centenas de artistas instalavam os seus cavaletes para pintar. Ela conversava com eles sobre arte e mostrava-lhes a Imagem do Eu Divino e fotos de mestres ascensos. Ruth sempre carregava uma quantidade de cartões de bolso da Imagem do Eu Divino e, quando tinha oportunidade, entregava-os às pessoas. Quando deixou Paris, vários artistas tinham uma Imagem nos seus cavaletes.

As amigas descobriram que, quase sempre, os franceses reagiam positivamente aos estrangeiros que falavam o seu idioma, mas, apesar de Ruth não falar francês quando chegou a Paris, as pessoas gostaram dela. O apartamento em que moravam ficava próximo à Basílica do “Sacré-Coeur” e elas costumam ir até lá, e a outras catedrais, para rezar pela cidade. Sentavam-se nos bancos e decretavam a Astrea.

Elas também faziam muitos decretos de chama violeta – meia hora, três vezes por dia. Sentiam que havia muita dureza na cidade e que a chama violeta era necessária para suavizá-la e para que as pessoas aceitassem a luz. Ruth comprou um tecido transparente de cor violeta e costumava colocá-lo à frente dos olhos para ver a cidade coberta de chama violeta.

Ela mantinha o conceito imaculado por todos e nunca se dirigiu a alguém de maneira indelicada. Segundo a amiga, era como se ela nunca visse um traço negativo nas pessoas.

Ruth herself was beautiful and always well-groomed and finely dressed. One day Ruth and her friend were riding a subway in Paris. A mother who looked very poor boarded the subway with her little boy. The boy, about eight years old, was dirty and his clothes were raggedy. There weren’t enough seats for them, so Ruth said to the child, “You can sit on my lap.”

The little boy climbed onto Ruth’s lap and Ruth looked directly at him. She told him how beautiful and special he was; she told him that he was God’s child. The little boy looked back at Ruth and smiled. It was clear that he believed her. When Ruth and her friend got off the subway, Ruth said nothing about how dirty and raggedy the child was. Instead she commented to her friend, “Wasn’t he the most beautiful child you ever saw?” That is what she thought about all children.

Every day around 3:30 pm, when the children got out of school, Ruth and her friend would take a walk to see them. Ruth would smile at the children and say “Bonjour.” And every Thursday the two women held a vigil for the youth.

Her artwork

As the twin flame of Paul the Venetian, Ruth was wholly devoted to truth and beauty. She was an artist and she poured her devotion into her painting. Ruth said that if it were not for Paul the Venetian, she would not have been able to paint. Sometimes, under his direction, she would begin a portrait before she even knew whom she was going to paint.

She created many portraits of the ascended masters, which are still used as focuses for the masters’ presence. Mark Prophet said that if she continued painting, she would make her ascension. Her work included portraits of Paul the Venetian, Saint Germain, Mother Mary, Nada, Kuan Yin, Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus.

Her ascension

Though Ruth knew that Paul the Venetian was her twin flame, at times she was assailed with doubt that this was true. She remembered an embodiment when they had been together and she had doubted him. Ruth felt that if she was to make her ascension in this life, she would have to have total faith in Paul the Venetian. She did overcome her doubt and maintained total faith in her twin flame.

Paul the Venetian was waiting for Ruth when she made her transition, having fulfilled all her commitments to life and balanced her karma. They requested that Ruth experience her ascension from the Temple of the Sun, the etheric retreat of the Goddess of Liberty over Manhattan. The Goddess of Liberty is Paul the Venetian’s spiritual Mother.

Paul the Venetian’s retreat, the Château de Liberté, is on the etheric plane over southern France, but currently he is holding classes in the Temple of the Sun. Ruth wanted to take her ascension from the Temple of the Sun because of her deep love for Saint Germain and for America. Ruth Hawkins’ ascension flame is now permanently anchored in the etheric octave in that retreat over Manhattan.

While Ruth was in embodiment, she anchored Paul the Venetian’s flame in the earth. The master said that she single-handedly carried his torch of the love ray. Since Ruth is now ascended, Paul the Venetian has requested that each one of us carry one flame of the torch of the love ray that she held. We can call to Paul the Venetian and Ruth Hawkins to intensify love in the hearts of people of the world—especially in the youth.

Portraits of the ascended masters by Ruth Hawkins

See also

Paul the Venetian

Château de Liberté


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Ruth Hawkins.”