Arbre de vie

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L'arbre de vie

Tree of Life may refer to:

(1) L'arbre de vie est le nom du diagramme des Kabbalistes sur les Séphiroth.

Main article: Tree of Life (Kabbalah)

L’ Arbre de Vie (maj.) symbolise la Présence JE SUIS et le corps causal de chaque personne ainsi que le lien qu’entretiennent les enfants de la Lumière avec leur source immortelle, tel qu’il apparaît dans la Représentation du Moi divin. On y fait référence dans la Genèse et dans l’Apocalypse :

« LE SEIGNEUR Dieu fit pousser du sol des arbres de toute espèce, agréables à voir et bons à manger ; et l’arbre de vie au milieu du jardin d'Éden, et l’arbre de la connaissance du bien et du mal. » [1]

« Au milieu de la place et sur les deux bords du fleuve, il y avait l’arbre de vie, produisant douze fois des fruits, rendant son fruit chaque mois, et dont les feuilles servaient à la guérison des nations.[2]

The twelve manner of fruits thereof are the twelve qualities of the God consciousness that man and woman are intended to realize as they follow the initiations on the path of the ascension. These are God-power, God-love, and God-mastery, God-control, God-obedience, and God-wisdom, God-harmony, God-gratitude, and God-justice; God-reality, God-vision, and God-victory.

When the I AM Presence is activated by the Guru, as it was in many through the preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, it brings to the outer mind the awareness of the Christ consciousness and releases the fruit of good deeds stored in the causal body. Such preaching by the Holy Spirit also forces the individual’s encounter with his lower self and its untransmuted momentums.

(3) The tree of life (l.c.) refers to the lower personality (lower figure in the Chart of Your Divine Self), self-awareness in the four lower bodies, and the tree of selfhood rooted in karma and recorded in the electronic belt. This energy veil, or darkness, is activated by the light of the Guru in order that the soul may choose to cast those subconscious momentums into the sacred fire and seek only the Absolute Good of the I AM Presence and causal body focused in the Garden of Eden as the Tree of Life.

“Tree of life” may thus refer to both the upper and lower storehouses of life’s experiences, each bearing fruit after its kind.

See also

Chart of Your Divine Self


Kuthumi and Djwal Kul, The Human Aura: How to Activate and Energize Your Aura and Chakras.

Archangel Gabriel, Mysteries of the Holy Grail.

  1. Gen 2, 9.
  2. Apo 22, 2.