Secret love star
The secret love star is the causal body of the planet Venus.
Jesus has said of the secret love star:
You have contributed to that causal body by your gifts, by what you have accomplished in this and other lifetimes.
Think of yourself, while giving a simple decree, journeying to the causal body of Venus, the secret love star, meditating on whatever that great causal body may offer you. Place your attention upon these points of light, which are vast universes having no distance from you in time and space but only vast distances according to your own human consciousness.[1]
Serapis Bey has said:
Yes, beloved, you can call to the secret love star. It is the causal body cumulative of all evolutions who have won their victory on your sister star, Venus. This secret love star becomes an action of ruby fire: protecting Love, containing Love and multiplying your momentum of Love that is yours only through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and yours alone in his heart.[2]
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, November 16, 1990.