Maitreya Mountain

The mountain on the Royal Teton Ranch known in the local area as Deaf Jim Knob was renamed “Maitreya Mountain” by the messenger. It overlooks the Heart of the Inner Retreat from the southeast.
On April 26, 1983, Gautama Buddha said that he would walk with all who climb Maitreya Mountain:
Blessed ones, I will promise you that everyone who will walk or hike to that point, I will accompany. I will be your companion on the trail. I say this now so that you may begin to build stamina for that climb, especially those who are not so used to climbing. And may others who are the brave ones prepare a path even such as that which is upon Mount Shasta, prepared by one who thought of the pilgrims who would come in search of the Great White Lodge.
Well, you will find that Buddha Maitreya maintains a focus as a replica of a physical Buddha meditating. His focus is a giant Buddha in commemoration of the mighty focus of the Buddha Surya from the Great Central Sun who once held a mighty balance for this earth in ancient, ancient times.[1]
On July 2, 1984, Maitreya said that he had placed a focus of himself in the lotus posture in meditation upon Maitreya Mountain as “a sign raised up to all the world that in the West the Saviouress is come and the Universal Mother may once again transmit the teaching of Maitreya through her instrument and servant.”[2]
Gautama Buddha also spoke of the Coming Buddha in his November 8, 1981, dictation, delivered at the Inner Retreat:
Perceive, then, the coming of the Mother always as the sign of Lord Maitreya. For we have a saying: If the Mother be in our midst, can Maitreya be far behind? Far nearer than the far-off worlds is the emanating Light of Maitreya.
Thus, indeed have you renamed the mountain “Maitreya Mountain.” For it is the sign of the rising spiral of his coming, as earth herself rises in the form of the mountain to praise his blessed feet, that he might have the place wherewith to alight—and there to meditate over the Heart of our Inner Retreat for the coming of the pilgrims who would become, by discipleship, the messengers of Maitreya.[3]
A cross to be constructed on the mountain
In 1987, Mother Mary asked for a cross to be constructed om Maitreya Mountain:
Blessed ones, I have also come to consecrate a place as the Divine Mother Omega once consecrated the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral in Colorado Springs.6 I would call you to a higher calling, yet you have not yet fulfilled the calling already given. When I say “you,” beloved, I speak to the worldwide body of Keepers of the Flame who must hear me in this hour.
Understand, then, that my coming would be to announce my calling to you to place upon Maitreya’s mountain a cross to be the electrode to that cross in Medjugorje. Thus, beloved, Medjugorje, the place of the cross thirty-five feet tall—it is an electrode in the earth. And by the devotion of many I have therefore charged it with a tremendous light.
You have known, beloved, that in many of my appearances I have required that a church be built on that place for the very reason that I desire in certain points in the earth a place that can be charged with great light by myself through the devotion of the people. This retreat is such a place. But for the building of the cross, the other callings of my Son must first be fulfilled. Yet I say to you that when these are fulfilled, the cross may be built.
I envision it and have given that vision to the Messenger as a cross of thirty-three feet. And around the center of the cross of cement, beloved, there is a crown of twelve stars. Thus, the cross is the marking of the place where God in man meet, showing that the path of discipleship leads to the crown of everlasting Life, which is indeed the crown of twelve stars of the Woman[4] that is given by the Divine Mother unto all who endure to the end.
Blessed ones, the trek up Maitreya’s mountain is indeed a pilgrimage and a calling—and even the placing there of a type of structure such as a log cabin where the sound of the rosary might be heard and recited: Archangel Michael’s Rosary, my rosary, Kuan Yin’s Rosary yet to be written down. Thus, it shall become a place of perpetual prayer, thanksgiving, a point of pilgrimage where many can rally.
Blessed hearts, we would not have you begin this sacramental building prior to your having understood that sacrifice is necessary and indeed a requirement of the obedience unto God. Obedience, beloved, begins with the alignment of oneself to the inner cross of white fire, else the outer sign and symbol cannot afford the victory but perhaps should become a substitute for the interior correction of Maitreya. Let the cross be the sign of the saints’ overcoming.[5]
See also
1984 Pearls of Wisdom, book 2, introduction.