The Imitation of Christ

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The Imitation of Christ is a classic Christian work traditionally attributed to the fifteenth-century Augustinian monk Thomas à Kempis. Many ascended masters have spoken about this book, including the following:


The Imitation of Christ attributed to Thomas à Kempis is a handbook whereby the seeker after godliness might become the Christ incarnate in imitation of the life and mission of Jesus Christ.[1]

Cyclopea and Virginia:

To attain this fusing with your Christ, you must seek to be Christlike. It is well to keep with your Bible at your bedside a copy of the book The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis. It is well to assimilate that Body and Blood of Christ even by reading a few words and taking in those words as you fall asleep, thereby determining that you shall go forth to be God-taught in the hours of rest.

And your soul shall return infilled with the fervor to realize a practical Christhood of words and works, of kindness and compassion, of upliftment, of understanding, of taking no offense in the untransmuted self of a brother or a sister but always having available the fountain of Light flowing from the very center of being. This is true holy water that pours from the Christ in you to give to that one to drink, to anoint that one’s body that that one might truly imbibe through the chakras the elixir of shafts of Light that come forth from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.[2]

Archangel Michael:

Yes, beloved, The Imitation of Christ is yet the book that you must keep at bedside and read, even a page each night, imitating the ways of Christ until your imitation is become the Divine Reality unmoved, and I say unmoved, beloved![3]

The messenger has said:

Thomas à Kempis is generally thought to be the author of this text, in reality, we do not know who wrote The Imitation of Christ.

I am convinced, however, that it is wholly inspired by Jesus and the ascended hierarchy, for this little book has been a trusted guide for disciples of Christ from the middle ages to the present. All who aspire to be one with the Christ have taken it and pored over it until it has become dog-eared, underscored and stained with the sweat and toil of overcoming that we as disciples face in this world.[4]


Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 36, September 3, 1989.

  1. Lanello, “A Report on the Earth” II, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 16, no. 21, May 27, 1973.
  2. Cyclopea and Virginia, “You Must Attain Fusion with Your Holy Christ Self,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 33, no. 37, September 23, 1990.
  3. Archangel Michael, “New Beginnings,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 47, October 6, 1991.
  4. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Imitation of Christ,” Part 1, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 44, no. 15, April 15, 2001.