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Found 2 translations.

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 h English (en)Each of the letters stands for a component of our divinity. The ''A'' comes forth from Alpha as the initiator, the creator, the origin of spirals of consciousness, the origin of being. It is the thrust of power. The ''M'' is the ''OM'' of Omega, the conclusion, the integrator and the disintegrator of form and formlessness. From the ''A'' to the ''OM'', all of the vastness of creation is contained. And the ''U'' in the center is ''you'', the [[Real Self]], the Anointed One, the Christed One, the Buddha of the light—you in universal manifestation, in particular manifestation, the Trinity. This is the power of preservation, of concentration, of cohesion as identity.
 h Icelandic (is)Hver stafur stendur fyrir ákveðinn þátt guðdóms okkar. ''A'' er dregið af Alfa sem er upphafið, skaparinn, uppruni vitundarvakningar í spíralþróun, uppruni vera. Það er knýikrafturinn. ''M'' er ''ÓM'' Ómega, niðurstaðan, viðhaldarinn og tortímandinn sem samþættir og sundrar forminu og formleysinu. Frá ''A'' til ''ÓM'', er öll víðátta sköpunarinnar varðveitt. Og ''U'' í miðjunni ert ''þú'', [[Special:MyLanguage/Real Self|Raun-sjálfið]], hinn smurði, hinn Krists-borni, Búddha ljóssins — þú í alheimsbirtingu, í sérbirtingu, þrenningin. Þetta er kraftur varðveislu og viðhalds, einbeitingar, sameiningarafl til auðkennis.