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Found 3 translations.

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 h English (en)In the 1920s, [[Nicholas Roerich|Nicholas]] and [[Helena Roerich]] began releasing the teachings of [[El Morya]] and other masters of the Great White Brotherhood through books published by the Agni Yoga Society. Agni yoga is the yoga of the sacred fire of the Mother, the sacred fire of the Word Incarnate as the [[spoken Word]] (the [[dynamic decree]]), the sacred fire of the Father and the [[Holy Spirit]]. El Morya speaks of agni yoga as the yoga of the coming age:
 h Spanish (es)En la década de 1920, [[Special:MyLanguage/Nicholas Roerich|Nicolás]] y [[Special:MyLanguage/Helena Roerich|Helena Roerich]] comenzaron a divulgar las enseñanzas de [[Special:MyLanguage/El Morya|El Morya]] y otros maestros de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Gran Hermandad Blanca]] a través de los libros publicados por la Sociedad Agni Yoga. El agni yoga es el yoga del fuego sagrado de la Madre, el fuego sagrado de la Palabra Encarnada como la [[Special:MyLanguage/Spoken Word|Palabra hablada]] (el [[Special:MyLanguage/Dynamic decree|decreto dinámico]]), el fuego sagrado del Padre y el [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|Espíritu Santo]]. El Morya habla del agni yoga como el yoga de la era futura:
 h Icelandic (is)Á 2. áratug síðusta aldar fóru [[Special:MyLanguage/Nicholas Roerich|Nicholas]] og [[Special:MyLanguage/Helena Roerich|Helena Roerich]] að gefa út kenningar [[Special:MyLanguage/El Morya|El Morya]] og annarra meistara hins Stóra hvíta bræðralags með bókum sem Agni Yoga Society (Agni jóga samfélagið) gaf út. Agni jóga er jóga hins helga elds Guðs-móðurinnar, helgur eldur Orðsins holdgerður í hinu talaða Orði ([[Special:MyLanguage/dynamic decree|virkum möntrufyrirmælum]]), helgur eldur föðurins og [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|heilags anda]]. El Morya talar um agni jóga sem jóga 21. aldarinnar: