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Found 6 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Smart ones of [[Saint Germain]] will say, “We have the [[violet flame]]! We have the alchemy of violet-flame transmutation whereby we may consume our boulders of pride. We can move those boulders, as [[Merlin]] did at [[Stonehenge]] centuries ago!” Call to Saint Germain to remove anything and everything in your life that is stopping you from serving the [[Great White Brotherhood]].<ref>The Angel Who Rolled Away the Stone, “Roll Away the Boulders of Pride!” {{POWref|40|28|, July 13, 1997}}</ref>
 h Spanish (es)Las personas inteligentes de [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Germain|Saint Germain]] dirán: «¡Tenemos la [[Special:MyLanguage/Violet flame|llama violeta]]! Tenemos la alquimia de la transmutación por la llama violeta con la que podemos consumir nuestras rocas de orgullo. ¡Podemos mover esas rocas, como hizo [[Special:MyLanguage/Merlin|Merlín]] en [[Special:MyLanguage/Stonehenge|Stonehenge]] hace siglos!». Llamad a Saint Germain para eliminar todo aquello que en vuestra vida os esté impidiendo que prestéis servicio a la [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Gran Hermandad Blanca]]<ref>El Ángel que Retiró la Piedra, “Roll Away the Boulders of Pride! (¡Retirad las rocas del orgullo!)”, {{POWref-es|40|28|, 13 de julio de 1997}}</ref>.
 h Icelandic (is)Snjallir [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Germain|Saint Germain]]-sinnar munu segja: „Við höfum [[Special:MyLanguage/violet flame|fjólubláa logann]]! Við búum yfir alkemískri dulefnafræði til umbreytinga með fjólubláa loganum þar sem við getum upprætt stórgrýtta drambsemi okkar. Við getum hreyft við þessum steinhnullungum eins og [[Special:MyLanguage/Merlin|Merlín]] gerði í [[Special:MyLanguage/Stonehenge|Stonehenge]] fyrr á öldum!“ Kallið á Saint Germain til að nema allt á brott og allt í lífi ykkar sem hindrar ykkar í að þjóna [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Stóra hvíta bræðralaginu]].<ref>The Angel Who Rolled Away the Stone, „Roll Away the Boulders of Pride!“ {{POWref-is|40|28|, 13. júlí 1997}}</ref>
 h Portuguese (pt)Os talentosos de [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Germain|Saint Germain]] dirão: ‘Temos a [[Special:MyLanguage/violet flame|chama violeta]]! Temos a alquimia da transmutação da chama violeta com a qual podemos consumir as pedras do orgulho. Podemos removê-las como fez [[Special:MyLanguage/Merlin|Merlin]], em [[Special:MyLanguage/Stonehenge|Stonehenge]], séculos atrás!’ Invocai Saint Germain pedindo-lhe que remova tudo aquilo que vos impede de servir a [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Grande Fraternidade Branca]].”<ref>O Anjo que Removeu a Pedra, Roll Away The Boulders of Pride (Removei a Pedra do Orgulho!) Pérolas de Sabedoria, vol. 40, n° 28, 13 de julho de 1997.</ref>
 h Message documentation (qqq)M&TR
 h Russian (ru)Сообразительные ученики [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Germain|Сен-Жермена]] скажут: «У нас есть [[Special:MyLanguage/violet flame|фиолетовое пламя]]! У нас есть алхимия трансмутации фиолетовым пламенем, с помощью которой мы сможем разбить глыбы гордыни. Мы сдвинем их, как это сделал [[Special:MyLanguage/Merlin|Мерлин]] в [[Special:MyLanguage/Stonehenge|Стоунхендже]] столетия назад»! Призывайте Сен-Жермена, чтобы из вашей жизни было удалено все, что удерживает вас от служения [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Великому Белому Братству]].<ref>The Angel Who Rolled Away the Stone, “Roll Away the Boulders of Pride!” {{POWref-ru|40|28|, 13 июля 1997 г}}</ref>