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Found 7 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)[[Jophiel and Christine's retreat|Jophiel and Christine’s retreat]], South of the Great Wall near Lanchow, north central China
 h Spanish (es)[[Special:MyLanguage/Jophiel and Christine's retreat|Retiro de Jofiel y Cristina]], al sur de la Gran Muralla, cerca de Lanchow, centro-norte de China
 h Finnish (fi)[[Special:MyLanguage/Jophiel and Christine's retreat|Jofielin ja Christinen retriitti]], Kiinan muurin eteläpuolella, Lanzhoun lähellä, pohjoinen Keski-Kiina
 h Hindi (hi)[[Special:MyLanguage/Jophiel and Christine's retreat|जोफियल और क्रिस्टीन का आकाशीय आश्रय स्थल]] (Jophiel and Christine's retreat), लान्चोव के पास, ग्रेट वाल के दक्षिण (South of the Great Wall near Lanchow), उतरी-मध्य चीन (north central China)
 h Icelandic (is)[[Special:MyLanguage/Jophiel and Christine's retreat|Athvarf Jofíels og Kristínar]], sunnan við Kínamúrinn nálægt Lankóv, norðarlega í miðhluta Kína
 h Polish (pl)[[Special:MyLanguage/Jophiel and Christine's retreat|Rekolekcje Jofiela i Krystyny]], na południe od Wielkiego Muru w pobliżu Lanchow, północno-środkowe Chiny
 h Russian (ru)[[Special:MyLanguage/Jophiel and Christine's retreat|Обитель Иофиэля и Кристины]], на юг от Великой Китайской Стены вблизи Ланьчжоу, север центрального Китая