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Found 2 translations.

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 h English (en)<blockquote>In the Great Rebellion against the Lord God Almighty and the hosts of his heavenly hierarchy, Lucifer seduced no small number of angelic bands led by his cohorts. Their names are mentioned in the [[Book of Enoch]], and in other books of the Apocrypha, and in the codified scriptures of East and West. More notable are the names Satan, Beelzebub, Belial, Baal, etc.<ref>{{OSS}}, ch. 33, p. 236.</ref></blockquote>
 h Icelandic (is)<blockquote>Í uppreisninni miklu gegn Drottni Guði almáttugum og hersveitum himnesks helgiveldis hans tældi Lúsifer ekki fáar englasveitir undir forystu sveita hans. Nöfn þeirra eru nefnd í [[Enoksbók]] og í öðrum apókrýfubókum og í ritningum austurs og vesturs. Áberandi eru nöfnin Satan, Beelsebúb, Varmenni, Baal o.s.frv.<ref>{{OSS}}, 33. kafli, bls. 236.</ref></blockquote>