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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Bhakti yogis practice devotion to God through devotional music, dance and constant repetition of his name. They often worship God in his incarnations. For example, Hindus believe that [[Vishnu]] has incarnated nine times as a God-man, an [[avatar]]. Worship of his incarnations as [[Krishna]] and Rama is very popular in India.
 h Spanish (es)Los yoguis dedicados al bhakti yoga practican la devoción a Dios mediante la música devocional, la danza y una constante repetición de su nombre. Con frecuencia veneran a Dios en sus encarnaciones. Por ejemplo, los hindúes creen que [[Special:MyLanguage/Vishnu|Vishnú]] ha encarnado nueve veces como hombre-Dios, como [[Special:MyLanguage/avatar|avatar]]. En India está muy divulgada la veneración de sus encarnaciones como [[Special:MyLanguage/Krishna|Krishna]] y como Rama.
 h Icelandic (is)Bhakti jógar rækja hollustu við Guð með tilbeiðslufullri tónlist, dansi og stöðugri endurtekningu á nafni hans. Þeir tilbiðja Guð oft í birtingu hans í holdinu. Til dæmis trúa hindúar að [[Special:MyLanguage/Vishnu|Vishnú]] hafi endurholdgast níu sinnum sem Guðs-maður, [[Special:MyLanguage/avatar|avatar]]. Dýrkun á [[Special:MyLanguage/Krishna|Krishna]] og Rama í endurholdgun þeirra er mjög vinsæl á Indlandi.