All translations
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Found 6 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | The hands, feet, and thymus represent the [[Five secret rays|five secret-ray]] chakras. |
h Spanish (es) | Las manos, los pies y el timo representan los chakras de [[Special:MyLanguage/Five secret rays|cinco rayos secretos]]. |
h Hindi (hi) | हाथ, पैर और थाइमस (thymus) (बाल्यग्रन्थि) [[Special:MyLanguage/Five secret rays|पाँच गुप्त किरणों]] (Five secret rays) के चक्र दर्शाते हैं। |
h Icelandic (is) | Hendur, fætur og hóstakirtill standa fyrir orkustöðvar [[Special:MyLanguage/Five secret rays|leynigeislanna fimm]] chakras. |
h Polish (pl) | Dłonie, stopy i grasica reprezentują czakry [[Special:MyLanguage/Five secret rays|Pięć tajemnych promieni]] czakr. |
h Portuguese (pt) | As mãos, os pés e o timo representam os chakras dos [[Special:MyLanguage/Five secret rays|cinco raios secretos]]. |