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Found 4 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)The ascended lady master [[Thérèse of Lisieux]] spoke of Clara Louise and her prayers for the youth of the world:
 h Spanish (es)La maestra ascendida [[Special:MyLanguage/Thérèse of Lisieux|Teresa de Lisieux]] habló de Clara Louise y sus oraciones por la juventud del mundo:
 h Portuguese (pt)A Mestra Ascensa [[Special:MyLanguage/Thérèse of Lisieux|Teresa de Lisieux]] falou sobre Clara Louise e as suas preces pela juventude:
 h Russian (ru)Вознесенная Владычица [[Special:MyLanguage/Thérèse of Lisieux|Тереза из Лизье]] говорила о Кларе Луизе и ее молитвах о молодежи мира: