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Found 3 translations.
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h English (en) | The spiritual community of the enlightened will expound the real [[democracy]] of the new republic, wherein the nobility of life in its God-intended expression is its own acknowledged reward. No one will expect to be given honors or rights he does not deserve; neither will anyone expect to deny to others their just opportunity to expand their understanding, test their spirituality or pursue life, liberty and true happiness to the fullest.<ref>Chananda and Alexander Gaylord, ''Keepers of the Flame Lesson 5'', pp. 15–20.</ref> </blockquote> |
h Spanish (es) | La comunidad espiritual de los iluminados expondrá la verdadera democracia de una nueva república, donde la nobleza de la vida, expresada como Dios quiere, es su propia recompensa reconocida. Nadie esperará recibir honores o derechos que no merece; tampoco esperará nadie negarle a los demás la justa oportunidad de buscar la vida, la libertad y la verdadera felicidad al máximo.<ref>Chananda y Alexander Gaylord, ''Lección de Guardianes de la Llama n.<sup>o</sup> 5'', págs. 15-20.</ref> </blockquote> |
h Icelandic (is) | Andlegt samfélag hinna upplýstu mun útskýra hið sanna [[Special:MyLanguage/democracy|lýðræði]] hins nýja lýðveldis þar sem göfgi lífsins tjáist í samræmi við ráðagerð Guðs sem felur í sér sína eigin viðurkenndu umbun. Enginn mun búast við að öðlast heiður eða réttindi sem hann á ekki skilið; Enginn mun heldur búast við því að neita öðrum um sanngjörn tækifæri til aukins skilnings, reyna andleg sannindi eða sækjast eftir lífi, frelsi og sannri hamingju til hins ýtrasta.<ref>Chananda og Alexander Gaylord, ''Keepers of the Flame, 5. lexía'', bls. 15–20.</ref> </blockquote> |