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Found 2 translations.

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 h English (en)Cosmic Christs from other systems of worlds were called forth by [[Keepers of the Flame]] in a petition to the [[Lords of Karma]] in 1960. Their petition was granted through [[Helios]], who announced in his May 27, 1960, ''Pearl of Wisdom'':
 h Icelandic (is)Kosmískir Kristar frá öðrum heimskerfum voru kallaðir fram af [[Special:MyLanguage/Keepers of the Flame|Vörðum logans]] í beiðni til [[Special:MyLanguage/|Karma-drottnanna]] árið 1960. Beiðni þeirra var veitt fyrir milligöngu [[Helíos]] sem birt var 27. maí, 1960 í ''Perlu viskunnar'':