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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved [[Holy Christ Self]], beloved [[Archangel Michael]], [[Oromasis and Diana|Prince Oromasis]], [[Purity and Astrea|Mighty Astrea]], [[Goddess of Light]], beloved Ascended Master Cuzco, beloved Guru Ma and [[Lanello]], the entire Spirit of the [[Great White Brotherhood]] and the [[World Mother]], elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! I decree:
 h Spanish (es)En el nombre de la amada, poderosa y victoriosa Presencia de Dios YO SOY en mí, de mi propio amado [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Christ Self|Santo Ser Crístico]], amado [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Michael|Arcángel Miguel]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Oromasis and Diana|Príncipe Orómasis]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Purity and Astrea|Poderosa Astrea]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Light|Diosa de la Luz]], amado Maestro Ascendido Cuzco, amados Gurú Ma y [[Special:MyLanguage/Lanello|Lanello]], todo el Espíritu de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Gran Hermandad Blanca]] y la [[Special:MyLanguage/World Mother|Madre del Mundo]], vida elemental:¡fuego, aire, agua y tierra!, yo decreto:
 h Portuguese (pt)Em nome da amada, poderosa e triunfante Presença de Deus EU SOU em mim, do meu amado [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Christ Self|Santo Cristo Pessoal]], do amado [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Michael|Arcanjo Miguel]], do [[Special:MyLanguage/Oromasis and Diana| Principe Oromasis]], da Poderosa [[Special:MyLanguage/Astrea|Astrea]], da [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Light|Deusa da Luz]], do Amado Mestre Ascenso Cuzco, dos amados Guru Ma e [[Special:MyLanguage/Lanello|Lanello]], de todo o Espírito da [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Grande Fraternidade Branca]], da [[Special:MyLanguage/World Mother|Mãe do Mundo]] e da vida elemental -- dos reinos do fogo, do ar, da água e da terra! Eu decreto: