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Found 5 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | Previously, prior to the sinking of [[Lemuria]], he had assisted Lord [[Himalaya]] in removing ancient records and tablets to the Himalayan retreats of the masters; later he studied in the lamasaries of Asia. It has been said by Theosophists that he was embodied as '''Kleineas''', a pupil of [[Pythagoras]] (Kuthumi), as one of the disciples of [[Gautama Buddha]], and as '''Aryasanga'''.<ref>Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater, ''The Lives of Alcyone'', ch. 47.</ref> |
h Spanish (es) | Previamente, antes del hundimiento de [[Special:MyLanguage/Lemuria|Lemuria]], había asistido al Señor Himalaya en la retirada de antiguos registros y tablas para llevarlos a los retiros de los maestros de los Himalayas. Más tarde estudió en las lamaserías de Asia. Los teósofos han dicho que estuvo encarnado como '''Kleineas''', un pupilo de [[Special:MyLanguage/Pythagoras|Pitágoras]] (Kuthumi), como uno de los discípulos [[Special:MyLanguage/Gautama Buddha|Gautama Buda]] y como '''Aryasanga'''<ref>Annie Besant y C. W. Leadbeater, ''The Lives of Alcyone (Las vidas de Alcyone)'', cap. 47.</ref>. |
h Icelandic (is) | Áður en [[Special:MyLanguage/Lemuria|Lemúría]] sökk í sæ hafði hann aðstoðað drottin [[Special:MyLanguage/Himalaya|Himalaya]] við að færa fornar skrár og leturtöflur til Himalaja-skýla meistaranna; síðar lærði hann í lamasetri í Asíu. Það hefur verið sagt af guðspekingum að hann hafi endurfæðst sem '''Kleineas''', nemandi [[Special:MyLanguage/Pythagoras|Pýþagorasar]] ([sem nú heitir Kúthúmi]), sem einn af lærisveinum [[Special:MyLanguage/Gautama Buddha|Gátama Búddha]], og sem '''Aryasanga. '''.<ref>Annie Besant og C. W. Leadbeater, ''The Lives of Alcyone'', kap. 47.</ref> |
h Portuguese (pt) | Antes do afundamento da [[Special:MyLanguage/Lemuria|Lemúria]], Djwal Kul ajudou o Senhor [[Special:MyLanguage/Himalaya|Himalaia]] a transferir antigos registros para os retiros dos mestres nos Himalaias; mais tarde, estudou em conventos de lamas na Ásia. Os teosofistas dizem que esteve encarnado como '''Kleineas''', aluno de [[Special:MyLanguage/Pythagoras|Pitágoras]] (Kuthumi), como um dos discípulos de [[Special:MyLanguage/Gautama Buddha|Gautama Buda]] e como '''Aryasanga'''.<ref>Annie Besant e C.W. Leadbeater, ''The Lives of Alcyone'' (As Vidas de Alcyone), capítulo 47.</ref> |
h Russian (ru) | Ранее, до погружения [[Special:MyLanguage/Lemuria|Лемурии]] в воду, он помогал Господу [[Special:MyLanguage/Himalaya|Гималайе]] переносить древние священные реликвии и таблички в гималайские обители Владык; позже он проходил обучение в ламаистских монастырях Азии. Теософы говорят, что он воплощался '''Клейнеасом''' – учеником [[Special:MyLanguage/Pythagoras|Пифагора]] (Кутхуми), а также одним из учеников [[Special:MyLanguage/Gautama Buddha|Гаутамы Будды]] и '''Арьясангой'''.<ref>Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater, ''The Lives of Alcyone'', ch. 47.</ref> |