All translations

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Found 7 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)[[Purity and Astrea's retreat|Near Gulf of Archangel, southeast arm of White Sea, Russia]]
 h Spanish (es)[[Special:MyLanguage/Purity and Astrea's retreat|en las proximidades del golfo Arcángel, vertiente sudoriental del mar Blanco, Rusia]]
 h Hindi (hi)[[Special:MyLanguage/Purity and Astrea's retreat|महादेवदूत की खाड़ी के पास, श्वेत समुंद्र की दक्षिण-पूर्वी शाखा, रूस]]

(Near Gulf of Archangel, southeast arm of White Sea, Russia)
 h Icelandic (is)[[Special:MyLanguage/Purity and Astrea's retreat|Nálægt Erkienglaflóa, við sunnanvert Hvítahaf, Rússlandi]]
 h Dutch (nl)[[Special:MyLanguage/Purity and Astrea's retreat|Nabij de Dvinabaai, zuidoostelijke arm van de Witte Zee, Rusland]]
 h Portuguese (pt)[[Special:MyLanguage/Purity and Astrea's retreat|próximo ao Golfo do Arcanjo, braço sudoeste do Mar Branco, Rússia]]
 h Russian (ru)[[Special:MyLanguage/Purity and Astrea's retreat|вблизи Двинской губы — юго-восточного залива Белого моря, Россия]]