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Found 2 translations.

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 h English (en)The members of the false hierarchy consist of [[Fallen angel|fallen Luciferian angels]], and those who were once pupils of the [[ascended masters]] who elected to use the knowledge of the sacred fire vouchsafed unto them for self-glorification rather than to the glory of God and the expansion of his kingdom. This is known as the [[left-handed path]]. The tools of the false hierarchy cooperating from astral levels include disembodied [[witches]], [[discarnate entities]] and [[Mass entities|mass “forms” or entities]] of human creation.
 h Icelandic (is)Aðilar hins falska stigveldis samanstanda af [[Special:MyLanguage/fallen angels|föllnum englum]] og þeim sem einu sinni voru nemendur [[Special:MyLanguage/ascended master|uppstignu meistaranna]] sem völdu að nota þekkinguna á hinum helga eldi sem þeim var falið til sjálfsdýrkunar fremur en Guði til dýrðar og útbreiðslu ríkis hans. Þetta er þekkt sem [[Special:MyLanguage/left-handed path|vinstri handar leiðin]]. Verkfæri falska helgivaldsins, sem vinna saman frá geðheimasviðunum, eru meðal annars  [[Special:MyLanguage/witches|nornir]] og [[Special:MyLanguage/discarnate entities|verur untan líkamans]] og [[Special:MyLanguage/Mass entities|hugsanagervi múgmennskunnar]].