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 h English (en)'''Gautama Buddha''', the “Compassionate One,” holds the office of [[Lord of the World]] (referred to as “God of the Earth” in [[Book of Revelation|Revelation]] 11:4), hierarch of the [[etheric retreat]] at [[Shamballa]] (over the Gobi desert), where he sustains the [[threefold flame]] of life for the evolutions of Earth. Gautama (who was embodied as Siddhartha Gautama c. 563 <small>B</small>.<small>C</small>.), is the great teacher of enlightenment through the soul’s mastery of the Ten Perfections, the [[Four Noble Truths]], and the [[Eightfold Path]], and sponsor of [[Summit University]] and of the mission of the [[Mother of the Flame]] to carry the torch of illumination for the age.
 h Spanish (es)El '''Gautama Buda''', el “Ser Compasivo", sostiene el cargo del [[Special:MyLanguage/Lord of the World|Señor del Mundo]] (al que el [[Special:MyLanguage/Book of Revelation|Apocalipsis]] 11:4 se refiere como "Dios de la tierra"), jerarca del [[Special:MyLanguage/etheric retreat|retiro etérico]] en [[Special:MyLanguage/Shamballa|Shambala]] (ubicado sobre el desierto de Gobi), donde sostiene la [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|llama trina]] de la vida para las evoluciones de la Tierra. Gautama (quien estuvo encarnado como Siddartha Gautama hacia 563 <small>A</small>. <small>C</small>.), es el gran maestro de la iluminación mediante la maestría del alma de las Diez Perfecciones, las [[Special:MyLanguage/Four Noble Truths|Cuatro Verdades Nobles]], y el [[Special:MyLanguage/Eightfold Path|Sendero Óctuple]], y patrocinador de [[Special:MyLanguage/Summit University|Summit University]] y de la misión de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother of the Flame|Madre de la Llama]] para portar la antorcha de la iluminación para esta era.
 h Hindi (hi)“करुणामय व्यक्ति” '''गौतम बुद्ध''' [[Special:MyLanguage/Lord of the World|विश्व के भगवान]] (Lord of the World) का पद धारण करते हैं। ([[Special:MyLanguage/Book of Revelation|बुक ऑफ़ रेवेलशन]] (Book of Revelation) ११.४ में इन्हें “पृथ्वी का भगवान” कहा गया है)। ये गोबी रेगिस्तान के ऊपर स्थित [[Special:MyLanguage/Shamballa|शंबाला ]] [[Special:MyLanguage/etheric retreat|आश्रय स्थल ]] (Shamballa, etheric retreat) के प्रमुख हैं। यहां से वह पृथ्वी के विकास के लिए जीवन की [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|त्रिज्योति लौ]] (threefold flame) को बनाए रखने की सेवा करते हैं। गौतम (जिन्होनें ५६३ बी सी में सिद्धार्थ गौतम के रूप में जन्म लिया था)  ज्ञानोदय (enlightenment) के शिक्षक हैं - इन्होनें जीवात्मा को दस सिद्धियों, [[Special:MyLanguage/Four Noble Truths|चार श्रेष्ठ सत्यों]] (Four Noble Truths) और [[Special:MyLanguage/Eightfold Path|आष्टांगिक मार्ग]] (Eightfold Path) में निपुणता प्राप्त करने के बारे में बताया है। ये [[Special:MyLanguage/Summit University|समिट यूनिवर्सिटी]] (Summit University) तथा ज्ञान के प्रकाश को (Mother of the Flame) के लक्ष्य पर जाने के लिए [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother of the Flame|ज्योति माता]] (Mother of the Flame) के उद्देश्य के प्रायोजक हैं।
 h Icelandic (is)'''Gátama Búddha''', hinn „miskunnsami“, gegnir embætti [[Special:MyLanguage/Lord of the World|Drottins heimsins]] (vísað til sem „Guðs jarðar“ í [[Special:MyLanguage/Book of Revelation|Opinberunarbókinni]] 11:4 ), yfirstjórnandi [[Special:MyLanguage/etheric retreat|ljósvakaathvarfsins]] í [[Special:MyLanguage/Shamballa|Shamballa]] (uppi yfir Gobí eyðimörkinni), þar sem hann heldur uppi [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|þrígreindum loga]] lífsins í jarðarþróuninni. Gátama (sem endurfæddist sem Siddhartha Gátama um 563 <small>f</small>.<small>Kr</small>.), er hinn mikli kennari uppljómunarinnar sem fæst þegar sálin fullnumar sig í tíu gjörningum, hinum [[Special:MyLanguage/Four Noble Truths|fjóru göfugu sannindum]] og [[Special:MyLanguage/Eightfold Path|áttfalda veginum]]. Gátama er ennfremur bakhjarl [[Special:MyLanguage/Summit Universit|Summit háskólans]] og köllunar [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother of the Flame|guðsmóður logans]], kyndilbera upplýsingar hins nýja tíma.
 h Portuguese (pt)'''Gautama Buddha''', o “Compassivo”, ocupa o cargo de [[Special:MyLanguage/Lord of the World|Senhor do Mundo]] (referido como “Deus da Terra” no [[Special:MyLanguage/Book of Revelation|Apocalipse]] 11:4), hierarca do [[Special:MyLanguage/etheric retreat|retiro etérico]] em [[Special:MyLanguage/Shamballa|Shamballa]] (sobre o deserto de Gobi), onde ele mantém acesa a [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|chama trina]] da vida para as evoluções da Terra. Gautama (que encarnou como Sidarta Gautama c. 563 a.C.), é o grande professor de iluminação através do domínio da alma nas Dez Perfeições, as [[Special:MyLanguage/Four Noble Truths|Quatro Nobre Verdades]], e a [[Special:MyLanguage/Eightfold Path|Senda Óctupla]], e patrocinador da [[Special:MyLanguage/Summit University|Summit University]] e da missão da [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother of the Flame|Mãe da Chama]] de levar a tocha de iluminação para a era.
 h Russian (ru)'''Гаутама Будда''' — «Сострадательный» занимает должность [[Special:MyLanguage/Lord of the World|Господа Мира]] (именуемую в [[Special:MyLanguage/Book of Revelation|«Откровении»]] — «Бог Земли»), иерарха [[Special:MyLanguage/etheric retreat|эфирной обители]] в [[Special:MyLanguage/Shamballa|Шамбале]] (над пустыней Гоби), где он поддерживает [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|трехлепестковое пламя]] жизни, божественную искру для всех детей Божьих на Земле. Гаутама, (воплощавшийся как Сиддхартха Гаутама примерно в 563 году до н. э.), является великим учителем просветления через душевное овладение Десятью Совершенствами, [[Special:MyLanguage/Four Noble Truths|Четырьмя Благородными Истинами]] и [[Special:MyLanguage/Eightfold Path|Восьмеричным Путем]]. Он — покровитель [[Special:MyLanguage/Summit University|Саммит Юниверсити]] и миссии [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother of the Flame|Матери Пламени]] для несения факела озарения в эту эпоху.