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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en): Hail, Mary, full of grace.
: The Lord is with thee.
: Blessed art thou among women 
:: and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
 h Spanish (es)::Ave María, llena eres de gracia
:::el Señor es contigo.
::Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres
:::y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús.
 h Finnish (fi):Terve Maria, armoitettu,
:Herra sinun kanssasi.
:Siunattu sinä vaimojen joukossa
::ja siunattu kohtusi hedelmä, Jeesus.
 h Korean (ko):은총이 가득하신 마리아님 기뻐하소서
:주님께서 함께 계시니 여인중에 복되시며
:태중에 계신 아드님 또한 복되시나이다
 h Portuguese (pt)::Ave-Maria, cheia de graça
:::O Senhor é convosco,
::Bendita sois vós entre as mulheres
:::e bendito é o fruto do vosso ventre, Jesus.