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Found 4 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Each time we say the Hail Mary we are giving the salutation to the Mother ray within our own being, to the energy—the pure white light of God—that is focused in the [[base-of-the-spine chakra]].
 h Spanish (es)Cada vez que decimos el Ave María, estamos saludando al rayo Madre dentro de nuestro propio ser, a la energía, la luz blanca pura de Dios, que está enfocada en el [[Special:MyLanguage/base-of-the-spine chakra|chakra de la base de la columna vertebral]].
 h Finnish (fi)Joka kerta lausuessamme Terve Maria -rukouksen tervehdimme Äitisädettä omassa olemuksessamme, [[Special:MyLanguage/base-of-the-spine chakra|peruschakraan]] keskittynyttä energiaa eli Jumalan puhdasta valkoista valoa.
 h Portuguese (pt)Cada vez que dizemos a Ave Maria, estamos saudando o raio da Mãe no íntimo do nosso ser, à energia - a pura luz branca de Deus - que está focada no [[Special:MyLanguage/base-of-the-spine chakra|chakra da base]].