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Found 4 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)<blockquote>
The lifewaves of sons and daughters of God who have evolved out of Mercury, who have served with [[Sanat Kumara]] and who now are dwelling on earth, come from an evolution that we knew long ago. In that planetary body, the issue of light and darkness was present....
 h Spanish (es)<blockquote>
Las oleadas de vida de hijos e hijas de Dios cuya evolución viene de Mercurio, que han servido con [[Special:MyLanguage/Sanat Kumara|Sanat Kumara]] y que ahora habitan en la Tierra, provienen de una evolución que conocimos hace mucho. En ese cuerpo planetario, el problema de la luz y la oscuridad estaba presente…
 h Portuguese (pt)<blockquote>
As ondas de vida dos filhos de Deus que evoluíram em Mercúrio, serviram com [[Special:MyLanguage/Sanat Kumara|Sanat Kumara]] e agora vivem na Terra, vêm de uma evolução que conhecemos há muito tempo. Naquele corpo planetário, havia questões que envolviam a luz e as trevas.
 h Russian (ru)<blockquote>
Жизневолны сыновей и дочерей Бога, которые эволюционировали на Меркурии, затем служили с [[Special:MyLanguage/Sanat Kumara|Санатом Кумарой]] и живут сейчас на Земле, пришли из эволюции, которую мы знали в далеком прошлом на другой планете. Там существовала проблема света и тьмы…