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Found 5 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | <blockquote>Our angels will repair the faults in the etheric sheath, and as you intensify your violet-flame rituals, they will repair the faults in the earth. And you shall see the curtailment of the power of those who have persecuted the body of God in the earth. Ratify this prophecy by your calls, and it shall swiftly come to pass!<ref>Heros and Amora, “Bricks of Ruby Ray Planted in the Earth for the Restabilization of the Planet,” {{POWref|38|40|, September 17, 1995}}</ref></blockquote> |
h Spanish (es) | <blockquote>Nuestros ángeles arreglarán las fallas en la funda etérica, y cuando intensifiquéis vuestros rituales de llama violeta, ellos repararán las fallas en la Tierra. Y veréis la reducción de poder de los que han perseguido el cuerpo de Dios en la Tierra. ¡Ratificad esta profecía mediante vuestros llamados y llegará a suceder rápidamente!<ref>Heros y Amora, “Bricks of Ruby Ray Planted in the Earth for the Restabilization of the Planet (Ladrillos de rayo rubí en la Tierra para el restablecimiento del planeta)”, {{POWref-es|38|40|, 17 de septiembre de 1995}}</ref>.</blockquote> |
h Icelandic (is) | <blockquote>Englar okkar munu gera við brestina í ljósvakaslíðrinu [(umgjörð ljósvakalíkamans)], og þegar þið aukið notkun fjólubláa logans munu þeir gera við misbrestina á jörðinni. Og þið munuð sjá skerðingu á völdum þeirra sem hafa ofsótt líkama Guðs á jörðu [(mennina)]. Staðfestið þennan spádóm með áköllum ykkar og hann mun skjótt rætast!<ref>Heros and Amora, „Bricks of Ruby Ray Planted in the Earth for the Restabilization of the Planet,“ {{POWref-is|38|40|, 17. september, 1995}}</ref></blockquote> |
h Portuguese (pt) | <blockquote>Os nossos anjos repararão as falhas do revestimento etérico e, à medida que intensificardes os rituais de chama violeta, repararão as falhas no planeta. E vereis que o poder dos que têm perseguido o corpo de Deus na Terra diminuirá. Ratificai esta profecia com os vossos chamados e ela cumprir-se-á, rapidamente!<ref>Heros e Amora, Bricks of Ruby Ray in the Earth for the Restabilization of the Planet (Tijolos de Raio Rubi para a Restabilização do Planeta), Pérolas de Sabedoria, vol. 38, n° 40, 17 de setembro de 1995.</ref></blockquote> |
h Russian (ru) | <blockquote>Наши ангелы исправят повреждения в эфирной оболочке и, по мере усиления ваших ритуалов фиолетового пламени, починят и повреждения на Земле. И вы увидите сокращение силы тех, кто преследовал тело Божье на планете. Скрепите это предсказание своими призывами, и оно быстро свершится!<ref>Heros and Amora, “Bricks of Ruby Ray Planted in the Earth for the Restabilization of the Planet,” {{POWref|38|40|, September 17, 1995}}</ref></blockquote> |