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Found 4 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)'''Igor''' was embodied in Russia at the time of the [[Russian Revolution]] and kept the flame on behalf of his countrymen in that period of travail. Igor was a disciple of [[Mother Mary]] and [[Archangel Gabriel]].
 h Spanish (es)'''Ígor''' estuvo encarnado en Rusia en la época de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Russian Revolution|revolución]] y guardó la llama por sus compatriotas en aquel período de afanes. Ígor era discípulo de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Virgen María]] y el [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Gabriel|Arcángel Gabriel]].
 h Portuguese (pt)'''Igor''' encarnou durante a [[Special:MyLanguage/Russian Revolution|Revolução Russa]] e guardou a chama em prol dos seus compatriotas. Igor foi um discípulo da [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Mãe Maria]] e do [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Gabriel|Arcanjo Gabriel]].
 h Russian (ru)'''Игорь''' воплощался в России во время [[Special:MyLanguage/Russian Revolution|русской революции]] и от имени своих соотечественников хранил пламя в то тяжелое время. Он был учеником [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Матери Марии]] и [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Gabriel|Архангела Гавриила]].