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 h English (en)However, let me amplify that you must not permit this statement to cause you to become apprehensive. Just be diligent to behave as a Christ, remembering his words, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me!”<ref>Matt. 25:40.</ref> If you will really follow this, you may well pass any test with flying colors that the Brotherhood sends for your perfection, admonishment and initiation into the highest spiritual brotherhood—the [[Great White Brotherhood]]—the fraternity of beloved [[Jesus]], [[Kuthumi]], El Morya, [[Djwal Kul]], beloved [[Lanto]], [[Kuan Yin]], [[Mother Mary]], beloved [[Serapis Bey]], [[Paul the Venetian]] and every Ascended and [[Cosmic Being]]!