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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)<blockquote>The student next devotes himself to meditation on Brahman ... [until] there arises within him a mental state which makes him feel that he is Brahman.... With the deepening of meditation, the mind, which is a manifestation of ignorance and a form of matter, is destroyed, and ... the Brahman reflected in the mind is absorbed in the Supreme Brahman.... This unity, indescribable in words, is known only to him who has experienced it.<ref>Ibid., pp. 126–27.</ref></blockquote>
 h Spanish (es)<blockquote>El estudiante pasa a dedicarse a la meditación sobre Brahman… [hasta que] surge en él un estado mental que le hace sentir que es Brahman… Con una meditación cada vez más profunda, la mente, que es una manifestación de la ignorancia y una forma de materia, se destruye y… el Brahman reflejado en la mente es absorbido por el Brahman Supremo… Esta unidad, indescriptible con palabras, solo la conoce aquel que la ha vivido<ref>Ibid, págs. 126–27.</ref>.</blockquote>
 h Icelandic (is)<blockquote>Nemandi helgar sig því næst hugleiðslu um Brahman ... [þar til] kemur upp í huga hans andlegt ástand sem lætur hann finna að hann sé Brahman. ... Með dýpkun hugleiðslu, er huganum, sem er birting fáviskunnar og efnisformsins, eytt og ... Brahman sem endurspeglast í huganum er niðursokkinn í æðsta Brahman. ... Þessa einingu, ólýsanlega í orðum, þekkir aðeins sá sem hefur upplifað hana.<ref>Ibid., bls. 126–27.</ref></blockquote>