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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)The second statement is “Aham Brahma-smi” (“I AM Brahman”). This is the affirmation of the conscious identification with the Great God Self—[[Brahman]]. This statement belongs in the mental body, the second quadrant of the Clock.
 h Spanish (es)La segunda afirmación es «Aham Brahmāsmi» («YO SOY Brahman»). Esta es la afirmación de la identificación consciente con el Gran Yo Divino: [[Special:MyLanguage/Brahman|Brahman]]. Esta frase pertenece al cuerpo mental, el segundo cuadrante del Reloj.
 h Icelandic (is)Önnur yfirlýsingin er „Aham Brahma-smi“ („ÉG ER Brahman“). Þetta er staðfesting á meðvitaðri samsömun við hið mikla Guðs sjálf — [[Brahman]]. Þessi yfirlýsing á heima í huglíkamanum, öðrum fjórðungi klukkunnar.