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Found 4 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)<blockquote>I am waiting for you, for the hour of your graduation from earth’s schoolroom. And in the hour of your ascension, I will be standing with the Lord [[Jesus]], with [[Mother Mary|Mary]] and [[Saint Germain]], with [[Lanello]] and [[Archangel Michael]] to receive you into the company of the ascended saints of the true Church. Do we have a date? [“Yes!”] I will keep my appointment.<ref>Johannes, “The Initiation of the Mother within the Church: To Receive the Body of the Lord,” July 3, 1977.</ref></blockquote>
 h Spanish (es)<blockquote>Estoy esperando por vosotros, por la hora de vuestra graduación de la escuela de la Tierra. Y en la hora de vuestra ascensión, estaré con el Señor [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesús]], con [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|María]] y [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Germain|Saint Germain]], con [[Special:MyLanguage/Lanello|Lanello]] y el [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Michael|Arcángel Miguel]] para recibiros a la compañía de santos ascendidos de la verdadera Iglesia. ¿Tenemos una cita? [«¡Sí!»] Yo acudiré a la cita<ref>Johannes, “The Initiation of the Mother within the Church: To Receive the Body of the Lord (La iniciación de la Madre en la Iglesia: recibir el cuerpo del Señor)”, 3 de julio de 1977.</ref>.</blockquote>
 h Portuguese (pt)<blockquote>“Eu aguardo-vos; aguardo a hora em que vos graduareis nas salas de aula da Terra. E, na hora da vossa ascensão, estarei com o Senhor [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesus]], com [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Maria]] e [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Germain|Saint Germain]], com [[Special:MyLanguage/Lanello|Lanello]] e o [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Michael|Arcanjo Miguel]] para receber-vos na corporação dos santos ascensos da verdadeira Igreja. Podemos marcar esse encontro? [“Sim!”] Eu manterei o meu compromisso.<ref>Johannes, The Initiation of the Mother within the Church: To Receive the Body of the Lord (A Iniciação da Mãe na Igreja: Receber o Corpo do Senhor), 3 de julho de 1977.</ref></blockquote>
 h Russian (ru)<blockquote>Я жду вас, жду часа окончания вами школы Земли. И в час вашего вознесения я буду стоять с Господом [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Иисусом]], с [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Марией]] и [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Germain|Сен-Жерменом]], с [[Special:MyLanguage/Lanello|Ланелло]] и [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Michael|Архангелом Михаилом]], чтобы принять вас в сообщество свя­тых истинной Церкви. Назначили ли мы свидание? [Да!] Я приду на услов­ленную встречу.<ref>Йоханнес, «Посвящение Матери в Церковь: Принятие Тела Господня», 3 июля 1977 г.</ref></blockquote>