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 h English (en)[[Sanat Kumara]], the Ancient of Days, told us that each one who has the [[threefold flame]] of God and the worship thereof would have four seraphim to command in [[Jesus]]’ name. He said, “Send them on your missions. They come to protect you and seal you from ... world karma that is descending.”<ref>Sanat Kumara, “The Warning,” {{POWref|31|4|, January 24, 1988}}</ref>
 h Spanish (es)[[Special:MyLanguage/Sanat Kumara|Sanat Kumara]], el Anciano de Días, nos ha dicho que aquellos que poseen la [[Special:MyLanguage/Threefold flame|llama trina]] de Dios y que le ofrecen su adoración recibirían cuatro serafines a los que dar órdenes en el nombre de [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesús]]. «Enviadlos a vuestras misiones», dijo. «Vienen a protegeros y a sellaros de… el karma del mundo que está descendiendo»<ref>Sanat Kumara, “The Warning (La advertencia)”, {{POWref-es|31|4|, 24 de enero de 1988}}</ref>.
 h Portuguese (pt)[[Special:MyLanguage/Sanat Kumara|Sanat Kumara]], o Ancião de Dias, explicou que os que têm a [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|chama trina]] de Deus, e a veneram, têm quatro serafins para comandar, em nome de [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesus]]. “Enviai-os nas vossas missões. Eles vêm para vos selar e proteger do carma mundial que está a descer”.<ref>Sanat Kumara, The Warning (O Aviso), Pérolas de Sabedoria, vol. 31, n° 4, 24 de janeiro de 1988.</ref>
 h Russian (ru)[[Special:MyLanguage/Sanat Kumara|Санат Кумара]], Ветхий Днями, сказал нам, что каждый, кто имеет [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|трехлепестковое пламя]] Бога и поклоняется ему, получит четырех серафимов, дабы повелевать ими во имя [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Иисуса]]. Он сказал: «Давайте им задания. Они придут, чтобы опечатать вас и защитить от... нисходящей мировой кармы».<ref>Sanat Kumara, “The Warning,” {{POWref|31|4|, January 24, 1988}}</ref>