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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)'''Karma yoga''' is the path of balancing the yoke of [[karma]]—of causes and effects set in motion in this and previous lives; the path of good works evidenced in pure thoughts, feelings, words and deeds; the discipline of the [[four lower bodies]] with an emphasis on physical action for [[alchemy|alchemical change]]; spiritual/physical exercises including the invoking of the sacred fire ([[agni yoga]]) in the giving of [[violet flame]] decrees ([[mantra]] and japa yoga); [[nonattachment]] to the fruit of action or to its reward.
 h Spanish (es)'''Karma yoga''' es el camino de equilibrar el yugo del [[Special:MyLanguage/karma|karma]] - de causas y efectos puestos en movimiento en esta y en vidas anteriores; el camino de las buenas obras evidenciado en pensamientos, sentimientos, palabras y hechos puros; la disciplina de los [[Special:MyLanguage/four lower bodies|cuatro cuerpos inferiores]] con énfasis en la acción física para el [[Special:MyLanguage/alchemy|cambio alquímico]]; ejercicios espirituales / físicos que incluyen la invocación del fuego sagrado ([[Special:MyLanguage/agni yoga|agni yoga]]) en la entrega de [[Special:MyLanguage/violet flame|llama violeta]] decretos ([[Special:MyLanguage/mantra|mantra]] y japa yoga); [[Special:MyLanguage/nonattachment|desapego]] al fruto de la acción o a su recompensa.
 h Icelandic (is)'''Karma jóga''' er leiðin til að jafna [[Special:MyLanguage/karma|karma]]byrði (ok) — orsaka og afleiðinga sem stofnað var til í þessu og fyrra lífi; leið sem markast af góðum verkum sem koma fram í hreinum hugsunum, tilfinningum, orðum og gjörðum; ögun hinna [[Special:MyLanguage/four lower bodies|fjögurra lægri líkama]] með áherslu á líkamlegar athafnir til [[Special:MyLanguage/alchemy|alkemískra umbreytinga]]; andlegar/líkamlegar æfingar, þar með talið að kalla fram hinn helga eld ([[Special:MyLanguage/agni yoga|agni jóga]]) með [[Special:MyLanguage/mantra|möntru]]- og japa-fyrirmælum í tengslum við sjónsköpun með [[Special:MyLanguage/violet flame|fjólubláa loganum]]; láta sig engu skipta ávexti athafna eða umbun þeirra ([[Special:MyLanguage/nonattachment|óhæði]]).