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Found 4 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Kuthumi has given a key to understanding our psychology in his teachings on the [[dweller-on-the-threshold]] and the electronic belt. The momentums of untransmuted karma in orbit around the “nucleus” of the [[Synthetic image|synthetic self]] (or [[carnal mind]]) form what looks like an “[[electronic belt]]” of misqualified energy around the lower portion of man’s [[physical body]].
 h Spanish (es)Kuthumi ha dado una clave para entender nuestro aspecto psicológico en sus enseñanzas sobre el [[Special:MyLanguage/Dweller-on-the-threshold|morador del umbral]] y el cinturón electrónico. Los impulsos acumulados de karma sin transmutar en órbita alrededor del «núcleo» del [[Special:MyLanguage/Synthetic image|yo sintético]] (o [[Special:MyLanguage/Carnal mind|mente carnal]]) forman lo que parece un «[[Special:MyLanguage/Electronic belt|cinturón electrónico]]» de energía mal cualificada alrededor de la parte inferior del [[Special:MyLanguage/Physical body|cuerpo físico]] del hombre.
 h Portuguese (pt)Nos seus ensinamentos sobre o [[Special:MyLanguage/dweller-on-the-threshold|morador do umbral]] e o cinto eletrônico, Kuthumi deu-nos a chave para compreendermos a nossa psicologia. Os momentuns de carma não-transmutados que gravitam em torno do “núcleo” do [[Special:MyLanguage/Synthetic image|eu sintético]] (ou [[Special:MyLanguage/carnal mind|mente carnal]]) formam uma espécie de “[[Special:MyLanguage/electronic belt|cinto eletrônico]]” de energia mal qualificada, localizado ao redor da parte inferior do [[Special:MyLanguage/physical body|corpo físico]].
 h Russian (ru)Кутхуми дал ключ к пониманию нашей психологии в учении о [[Special:MyLanguage/dweller-on-the-threshold|страже порога]] и об [[Special:MyLanguage/electronic belt|электронном поясе]]. Моментумы нетрансмутированной кармы на орбите вокруг «ядра» [[Special:MyLanguage/Synthetic image|синтетического «я»]] (или [[Special:MyLanguage/carnal mind|плотского ума]]) формиру­ют то, что похоже на «электронный пояс» искаженной энергии вокруг нижней части физического [[Special:MyLanguage/physical body|тела человека]].