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 h English (en)The '''Lord of the World''' receives the divine blueprint for the world from the planetary [[Silent Watcher]] and guards the [[threefold flame]] on behalf of [[angel]]s, [[elemental]]s and men, serving to externalize the flame of the Christ in the planes of [[Spirit]] and [[Matter]]. He also focuses all of the planes of God’s consciousness, including those of the [[five secret rays]]. Having mastery in both the inner planes (the planes of the [[Five secret rays|five secret or passive rays]]) and the outer planes (the planes of the [[Seven rays|seven color or active rays]]) of the Great [[Causal Body]], he holds the balance of peace in the [[four lower bodies]] of the planet.
 h Spanish (es)El '''Señor del Mundo''' recibe el arquetipo divino para el mundo del [[Special:MyLanguage/Silent Watcher|Vigilante Silencioso]] planetario y protege la [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|llama trina]] en nombre de los [[Special:MyLanguage/angel|ángeles]], los [[Special:MyLanguage/elementals|elementales]] y los hombres, con la intención de servir para exteriorizar la llama del Cristo en los planos del [[Special:MyLanguage/Spirit|Espíritu]] y la [[Special:MyLanguage/Matter|Materia]]. También enfoca todos los planos de la conciencia de Dios, incluidos los de los [[Special:MyLanguage/five secret rays|cinco rayos secretos]]. Dominando tanto los planos internos (los planos de los [[Special:MyLanguage/five secret rays|cinco rayos secretos]] o pasivos) como los planos externos (los planos de los [[Special:MyLanguage/Seven rays|siete rayos]] o rayos activos) del Gran [[Special:MyLanguage/Causal Body|Cuerpo Causal]], mantiene el equilibrio de la paz en los [[Special:MyLanguage/four lower bodies|cuatro cuerpos inferiores]] del planeta.
 h Hindi (hi)'''विश्व के स्वामी''' ग्रह के [[Special:MyLanguage/Silent Watcher|साइलेंट वॉचर]] से संसार की  दिव्य रूपरेखा प्राप्त करते हैं, और वे मानवजाति, [[Special:MyLanguage/angels|देवदूतों]] एवं [[Special:MyLanguage/elementals|सृष्टिदेवो]] की ओर से [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|त्रिगुणात्मक लौ]] की रक्षा करते हैं। इस प्रकार वे चैतन्य लौ को [[Special:MyLanguage/Matter|पदार्थ]] और [[Special:MyLanguage/Spirit|आत्मा]] के स्तर पर मूर्त रूप में प्रकट होने में सहायता करते हैं। वे [[Special:MyLanguage/ five secret rays|पांच गुप्त किरणों]] समेत ईश्वरीय चेतना के सभी स्तरों पर अपना ध्यान केंद्रित रखते हैं। आतंरिक ([[Special:MyLanguage/five secret rays|पांच गुप्त किरणें]]) और बाह्य ([[Special:MyLanguage/causal body|कारण शरीर]]  की [[Special:MyLanguage/seven rays|सात किरणें]]) दोनों स्तरों में प्रवीण होने के कारण वे ग्रह के [[Special:MyLanguage/ four lower bodies|चार निचले शरीरों]] में शान्ति का संतुलन बनाये रखते हैं।
 h Icelandic (is)'''Drottinn heimsins''' tekur við hinni guðlegu forskrift fyrir heiminn frá hinu [[Special:MyLanguage/Silent Watcher|Þögla vitni]] og gætir [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|þrígreinda logans]] fyrir hönd [[Special:MyLanguage/angel|engla]], [[Special:MyLanguage/elemental|höfuðskepnanna]] og mannanna sem þjóna til að úthverfa loga Krists á sviðum [[Special:MyLanguage/Spirit|anda]] og [[Special:MyLanguage/Matter|efnis]]. Hann beinir sér einnig að öllum vitundarsviðum Guðs, þar með talið hinum [[Special:MyLanguage/five secret rays|fimm leyndu geislum]]. Að hafa vald á bæði innri stigum (sviðum hinna hinna [[Special:MyLanguage/|fimm leyndu eða óvirku geisla]]) og ytri stigum (sviðum hinna [[Special:MyLanguage/Seven rays|sjö geisla]]) hins mikla [[Special:MyLanguage/Causal body|orsakalíkama]], stillir hann til friðar í [[Special:MyLanguage/four lower bodies|fjórum lægri líkömum]] plánetunnar.