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Found 6 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)* The [[God and Goddess Meru]] are the Manus for the '''sixth root race'''.
 h Spanish (es)* El [[Special:MyLanguage/God and Goddess Meru|Dios y la Diosa Merú]] son los Manúes de la '''sexta raza raíz'''.
 h French (fr)Le [[Special:MyLanguage/God and Goddess Meru|Dieu et la Déesse Méru]] sont les Manus de la '''sixième race-mère'''.
 h Icelandic (is)* [[Special:MyLanguage/God and Goddess Meru|Guðinn og gyðjan Merú]] eru manúar '''sjötta rótarkynstofnsins'''.
 h Portuguese (pt)*O [[Special:MyLanguage/God and Goddess Meru|Deus e a Deusa Meru]] são os Manus da '''sexta raça-raiz'''.
 h Russian (ru)* [[Special:MyLanguage/God and Goddess Meru|Бог и Богиня Меру]] являются Ману '''шестой коренной расы'''.