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Found 7 translations.

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 h English (en)<blockquote>I extend to you, then, access by the rosary—''by the rosary''—to my causal body, to the attainment on those [[Fourteen stations of the cross|fourteen stations]] that I have gained throughout my long spiritual history. I give you, therefore, the opportunity to receive that power and attainment that God has given me as my great Teacher. And as I am his servant, this I transmit to you that it might become close to the physical world and the physical problem through your own physical body and heart.<ref>Mother Mary, “To Prick the Conscience of the Nations,” {{POWref|27|48|, September 30, 1984}}</ref></blockquote>
 h Spanish (es)<blockquote>Os ofrezco, pues, acceso a mi cuerpo causal mediante el rosario –''mediante el rosario''–, acceso al logro en esas [[Special:MyLanguage/Fourteen stations of the cross|catorce estaciones]] que he conseguido a lo largo de mi larga historia espiritual. Os doy, por tanto, la oportunidad de recibir ese poder y logro que Dios me ha dado como mi gran Instructor. Y puesto que yo soy su sierva, os lo transmito para que pueda estar cerca del mundo físico y del problema físico mediante vuestro cuerpo y corazón físicos<ref>Virgen María, “To Prick the Conscience of the Nations (Pinchar la conciencia de las naciones)”, {{POWref-es|27|48|, 30 de septiembre de 1984}}</ref>.</blockquote>
 h Finnish (fi)<blockquote>Ruusukon avulla – ''ruusukon  avulla'' - annan teille pääsyn kausaalikehooni, niiden [[Special:MyLanguage/Fourteen stations of the cross|neljäntoista aseman]] saavutukseen, joihin olen yltänyt pitkän hengellisen historiani aikana. Siksi annan teille mahdollisuuden saada se voima ja ne saavutukset, jotka Jumala on antanut minulle suurena Opettajanani. Koska olen hänen palvelijansa, välitän nämä teille, jotta ne voisivat fyysisen kehonne ja sydämenne kautta tulla lähelle fyysistä maailmaa ja fyysisiä ongelmia.<ref>Äiti Maria, “To Prick the Conscience of the Nations,” {{POWref|27|48|, 30.9.1984}}</ref></blockquote>
 h French (fr)<blockquote>Par le rosaire – je vous donne donc accès à mon corps causal, à mon accomplissement sur les [[Special:MyLanguage/Fourteen stations of the cross|quatorze stations]] de la croix que j’ai acquis au cours de ma longue histoire spirituelle. Je vous donne donc l’opportunité de recevoir ce pouvoir et cet accomplissement que Dieu m’a donnés étant mon Enseignant suprême. Et comme je suis sa servante, je vous les transmets afin que, à travers votre corps et votre cœur physiques, ils puissent se rapprocher du monde physique et du problème physique. <ref>Mother Mary, “To Prick the Conscience of the Nations,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no 48,
   30 septembre 1984.</ref></blockquote>
 h Icelandic (is)<blockquote>Ég veiti ykkur því aðgang að orsakalíkama mínum með ''rósakransabæninni'', að þeim [[Special:MyLanguage/Fourteen stations of the cross|Fjórtán stöðvum krossins]] sem ég hef náð í gegnum tíðina í langri andlegri sögu minni. Ég gef ykkur því tækifæri til að hljóta þann kraft og þann árangur sem Guð hinn mikli kennari minn hefur gefið mér. Og þar sem ég er þjónn hans sendi ég ykkur þessar bænir að þær gætu færst nær efnisheiminum og meinsemdum efnislíkama ykkar og hjarta.<ref>Mother Mary, “To Prick the Conscience of the Nations,” {{POWref-is|27|48|, 30. september, 1984}}</ref></blockquote>
 h Portuguese (pt)<blockquote>Dou-vos acesso pelo rosário – ''pelo rosário'' – ao meu corpo causal e à mestria nas [[Special:MyLanguage/Fourteen stations of the cross|catorze estações]] que conquistei no decorrer de toda a minha longa história espiritual. Dou-vos a oportunidade de receber esse poder e essa mestria, que Deus, o meu principal Instrutor, me concedeu. Como sou Sua serva, isto vos transmito para que ele possa ficar próximo do mundo físico e do problema físico por meio do vosso corpo físico e do vosso coração.<ref>Nossa Senhora, To Prick the Conscience of the Nations (Alfinetar a Consciência das Nações), {{POWref-pt|27|48|, 30 de setembro 1984}}</ref></blockquote>
 h Russian (ru)<blockquote>«Через Розарий я открываю вам доступ к моему Каузальному Телу, к достижениям на [[Special:MyLanguage/Fourteen stations of the cross|четырнадцати этапах]] крестного пути, которые я обрела за всю мою долгую духовную историю. Посему я даю вам возможность принять те достижения и силу, которыми Бог – мой великий Учитель – наделил меня. И, будучи Его служителем, я передаю их вам, чтобы стать ближе к физическому миру и физической проблеме через ваши физические тело и сердце».<ref>Mother Mary, “To Prick the Conscience of the Nations,” {{POWref|27|48|, September 30, 1984}}</ref></blockquote>