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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)'''Lord [[Gautama Buddha]]''', another messenger of Sanat Kumara, founded Buddhism in the sixth century <small>B</small>.<small>C</small>. For forty-five years, he preached throughout India, spreading his doctrine of the [[Four Noble Truths]], the [[Eightfold Path]] and the Middle Way.
 h Spanish (es)"'Lord [[Gautama Buddha]]'", otro mensajero de Sanat Kumara, fundó el budismo en el siglo VI <small> A </small>. <small> C </small>. Durante cuarenta y cinco años, predicó por toda la India, difundiendo su doctrina de las [[Cuatro Nobles Verdades]], el [[Óctuple Sendero]] y el Camino Medio.
 h French (fr)Le '''[[Special:MyLanguage/Gautama Buddha|Seigneur Gautama Bouddha]]''', un autre messager de Sanat Kumara, a fondé le bouddhisme au VIe siècle av. J.-C. Pendant quarante-cinq ans, il a prêché dans toute l’Inde, y répandant la doctrine des [[Special:MyLanguage/ Four Noble Truths|Quatre Nobles Vérités]], du [[Special:MyLanguage/ Eightfold Path|Sentier octuple]] et du chemin du milieu.
 h Icelandic (is)'''Drottinn [[Special:MyLanguage/Gautama Buddha|Gátama Búddha]]''', annar boðberi Sanat Kumara, stofnaði búddhadóm á sjöttu öld <small>f</small>.<small>Kr</small>. Í fjörutíu og fimm ár prédikaði hann víðsvegar um Indland og breiddi út kenningu sína um hin [[Special:MyLanguage/Four Noble Truths|fjögur göfugu sannindi]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Eightfold Path|áttföldu leiðina]] og milliveginn.
 h Portuguese (pt)O '''Senhor [[Special:MyLanguage/Gautama Buddha|Gautama Buda]]''', outro mensageiro de Sanat Kumara, fundou o budismo no século VI a.C.. Por quarenta e cinco anos, ele pregou por toda a Índia, espalhando sua doutrina das [[Special:MyLanguage/Four Noble Truths|Quatro Nobres Verdades]], da [[Special:MyLanguage/Eightfold Path|Senda Óctupla]] e do Caminho do Meio.